
I need yaks.... haven't convinced the husband yet but it's only a matter of time! Mua ha haaaa!!!
Holy Buckets!
That was a mistake last night!

Went to the barn and DH hadn't bothered to tell me what was there waiting.
Found 1 new born calf in the bottom of the coulee below the house. Went to the barn for the sled and found a set of twins in one pen, a nice little heifer out of my cow in another pen and a new born bull calf walking around the barn.
Guess I don't have to buy a bum calf for my milk cow this year. :)
Got one more cow we are watching for a possible set of twins too.

Pretty foggy here again today.
OH herfrds, you make me want another calf, but I guess we have decided not to get another bottle baby for now. I would really like to get a Jersey milk cow, then I could get an extra calf to put on her.
I finally have a more than a min. to be on line. Its super foggy here, and down right nippy this morning, the trees are all covered with frost. We had some rain last night and I guess field work will be held up for another week.
I'm baking chocolate chip cookies for my BF this morning, but I'm cheeting, WalMart had the big 3 doz cookie packages of Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix on sale for $0.75 so I bought several. I made 2 packages and added 1 bag of chocolate chips and 1 bag of mini MM's. He will never know the're not homemade.
My 8 month old kitten has been wanting to get in with the chicks real bad, she thinks she is a big bad hunter, so this morning I wasn't waching close enough and she got in when I was feeding them, a couple of the little roos are starting to think they are pretty tough, and they flew at her, had their hackles up and were pecking her, I never saw a cat move so fast, she was out of the pen and upstairs before I could even turn around. I don't think she'll try that again anytime soon.
Karla, let me know when you want your chicks, its going to be getting real hard for me to be gone all day on the weekends now that the field work is getting started, I might have to meet you in Billings, then I would only have to be gone about 2 1/2 hours. I have your in a separate pen right now, but if I move them to the coop before you get them, I'll have to put them back with the rest of the chicks. I only have the one extra pen out there.
Hope every one has a great weekend.
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Midasmychickens, I actually know where Wisdom is! I do a lot of rockhounding in SW MT, and that is the only reason I know. Welcome to our little group.

Karlamaria, I will take you up on your offer. I would love to get some eggs to hatch rom Azriel.

Azriel, how much for a dozen eggs? I would like to get started on my Blue Wheatens. PM me and we can work out the details and get Karlamaria involved. Thanks for the offer, Karlamaria. I hope it all works out and I have little ones growing in my incubator before too much longer!
Hi all :)
It's been a very long time since I checked in- seems like the last several months has left little time for playing around online. I think I have about 6 months of posts to catch up on! It's calving season here at our house though- and that will bring lots of late nights with some time to kill in between checks. Right now we have almost 60 babies on the ground, and somewhere around 690 to go.

Baby calves mean spring is around the corner, and spring always gives me the "hatching" bug. Thinking of ordering a Reptipro and retiring the little white beast. Also need to look around and see if I can find some hatching eggs- I would love to try turkey's this year.

Hope the winter has treated you all well!
lunacroon- if you ever want to show him some yaks, you're welcome to come for a visit :)

ReneB- Wow, 750 cow herd? That's a lot of babies coming! All Angus?
I just want to welcome the gals I have not seen before, and to say how nice it is to see Christina ( herferds) back after being away for a while, also nice to see new faces and wow what a big bunch of babies being born ! How sweet, I would love to see all the babies! ReneB thank you for sharong that cute pic!
I will be looking as hard as I can for the dog house / small coop for the chickens Azreil and will try to go down next week if I can. I will be picking up eggs also for reptile mom. We will work this out this week ok, this way I can get down to billings, then to Bozeman and meet up again. Just need to find a darn dog house and I need to make sure the pullets are ok with out heat now.
Oh and I have friends down wisdom way , it's nice down there, nice to meet you . What kids of birds do you have? Are you on a ranch / farm also? You gals are so blessed! Here I'm in the middle of the city lol. I'm off now, but. Off to look for a dog house, have a nice day and a good day tomorrow. :)
I live on a ranch. I have mainly exotic breeds of chicken, if you want I could list a few. We started calving in February, but we had some early calvers in December and January. Nice to meet you too.
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