
I have been hatching eggs off of eBay for several months.  Problem has been the very low hatch rates.  I can put 42 eggs in and often only get 4-8 eggs hatch.  I have had whole incubators full that have not hatched.  I have thrown alot of eggs out!! I am about done with the major hatching - just need to get some of Azriel's eggs and get them hatched.  They should give me a much better hatch than the eBay eggs.  I will probably hatch a few to try and sell at the Fair this summer, but other than that... I will shut down for a while.

I find that the hardest part is raising the babies to a size where I can decide if I want to keep them or sell them.  Takes up a lot of room in the house.  Good thing this place is a fixer-upper and we haven't done much of the inside yet!!  There are about 50+ chicks of various ages and lots of dust in the place.  I always think of it as 'We sorta live in a barn' right now.
lol you farm gals are a riot ! I have a friend who has chickens all over the house in different stages to, not me, I'm just not into smell, dust, and hassles. I like my girls almost raised, or eggs put under my girl and she cares for them? I have a broody, but want good layers to put under ( eggs) like barred rock or brahma's or even a few leg horns. She has been broody 2 weeks sold now, anyone know where I can get eggs to put under her?
That's why there is a market niche to fill and I am working on developing with better quality birds! My neighbor does sort of the same thing, but she buys hatchery chicks and raises them to about 8-12 weeks and sells them. They go like funnelcakes at the Fair!
That's why there is a market niche to fill and I am working on developing with better quality birds!  My neighbor does sort of the same thing, but she buys hatchery chicks and raises them to about 8-12 weeks and sells them.  They go like funnelcakes at the Fair!
you must have a great fair, ours stinks! No selling of chicks here. We have the worst fair in Montana.
Thanks for the welcome. My family and I are new to chickens, so finding this site was a blessing! I'm from Gateway, the jewel of Gallatin Valley
Ok this was too funny!
Was at work yesterday and was asked about the "wild" chickens in my area. Huh?
Turns out the BLM ranger I know found them at a boat ramp. Sounds like a couple near me are going to round them up.
Anyone interested in some duck eggs? Muscovy- White Drake and eggs are from a Black pied and a Blue Fawn duck :) I have 8+ ready for shipping tomorrow :) $25 since they're my first eggs of the season and I don't want to post in the Auction side yet. But I will later tonight if no one local(ish) wants them :)
Welcome, Smadamek! I am in the Four Corners area. You are very close. What chickens are you raising? Welcome to the crazy chicken world. We are hooked and happy chicken slaves.

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