
Hello to everyone & all the newbies! I am hoping that eventually there will be a few people close to Great Falls that join this site.

Petitions are being circulated now to try to get urban Chickens on the ballet in November, to allow 6 hens in city limits. I live only a couple blocks outside the city limits, which i am glad of, so I can have chickens now.

I have heard from several people that RIRs can be on the "mean" side..............?? Never had any for that reason. But I hear they are great layers!!
Here are some coop and chick pics. Got most of the framing done on the coop today. Sorry for the red colored photos (did not move the heat lamp). Spot any more roos?

have side walls up, still need to frame end walls. I will not insulate coop.

base with legs 2' into ground
floor sheathed
vinyl on floor (had leftover pieces)
barred rock, two buff orps in background
easter egger with nice puffy cheeks!
A selection. The RIR and a barred rock up on the practice roost
our two RIRs and a buff orp
a barred rock and a black australorp. Both of our rocks look about the same, and the australorpes all look the same.
barred rock and buff orp on the perch
That cute little easter egger again!
Hi, I'm a new member located in the Bridger area south of BIllings.  I don't have a flock yet, but I'm looking for sources of well-bred Golden Laced Wyandottes.  They seem like a good match for the area and my needs.  So nice to meet y'all, hopefully I'll post some pics of some new birds soon.
welcome ! Looking forward to seeing your new flock ! Why did you choose that breed? I'm always curious :)
Hello to everyone & all the newbies!  I am hoping that eventually there will be a few people close to Great Falls that join this site. 

Petitions are being circulated now to try to get urban Chickens on the ballet in November, to allow 6 hens in city limits.  I live only a couple blocks outside the city limits, which i am glad of, so I can have chickens now. 

I have heard from several people that RIRs can be on the "mean" side..............??  Never had any for that reason.  But I hear they are great layers!!
I hope it passes, no reason to not pass , I hate when a city forbids chickens, people really need to have some for eggs ,meat and sustainability. Oh and the fun lol good to meet you ! I have 3 rhode island reds, I have three more coming as pullets in 3 months, we love ours and there fine. Not mean at all.
Here are some coop and chick pics. Got most of the framing done on the coop today. Sorry for the red colored photos (did not move the heat lamp). Spot any more roos? have side walls up, still need to frame end walls. I will not insulate coop. base with legs 2' into ground floor sheathed vinyl on floor (had leftover pieces) barred rock, two buff orps in background easter egger with nice puffy cheeks! A selection. The RIR and a barred rock up on the practice roost our two RIRs and a buff orp a barred rock and a black australorp. Both of our rocks look about the same, and the australorpes all look the same. barred rock and buff orp on the perch That cute little easter egger again!
that's gong to be a great coop! I love the chicks, but I can not tell sexing wise as there tired and blurry. Can not wait until I can! Your dong great on that coop. Can not wait Neil the end project. Let us know the cost will ya, I'm needing a new coop !
Yeah Karlamaria I was talking to you. Sorry I really should address my posts to who they are for. So do you want eggs or chicks? You wouldn't get any roosters if you got chicks. If you want any at all how many?
Thanks for the news.  I did not know that about Barred Rocks!  Well, they won't go to waste anyway, if they turn out to be roos.  I will try to post some updated pictures tonight, maybe you will be able to catch a few more roos in there!  Funny, I paid the extra dollar or two/chick to avoid the mixed runs of chicks, except for the Buff Orpingtons.  It would be funny if all of the buffs turned out to be hens!  I noticed yesterday that almost all of the chicks now have little tiny combs forming.  Is it possible to sex them by comb size/development at this early age?

actually you can sex some by the comb, especially if there the same bird and one has a bigger comb then the other, Roos tend to grow faster ( get taller ) and they tend to have thicker legs. Sexing Roos by comb is actually easy for many chicks . Especially when they get big and pink up faster then your other birds. This how I can tell which sex is which on many breeds. Easter eggers are harder, but I knew mine was by seeing longer tail feathers and thicker legs, and taller then the hen who was born the same time. He was just bigger .
Yeah Karlamaria I was talking to you. Sorry I really should address my posts to who they are for. So do you want eggs or chicks? You wouldn't get any roosters if you got chicks. If you want any at all how many?
Lol hi , wish I had know you were speaking to me, I would have loved chicks. I can always use more eggs as my EE RIR girl is gong broody, she is not really serious yet but I'm looking to get some eggs when she does finally settle down. What have you got ? ( breeds) I'm not sure what will come out of this hatch, I noticed some eggs we did eat were not fertile, some were so not sure the ones I put under her are fertile. I am going to candle then here in the next week. I could most definatly use fertile eggs for my coming up broody. I will let you know how it's gong. Thank you so much, and especially since your so close :)
Thanks. I am into the coop materials for $400 so far. Another 50-100 should cover it, by the time I am finished. Oh, plus about $200 for the run. I checked out the coops on Billings Craigslist being sold out by Molt. They are really nice little coops, and are selling for about $900 - $1500 finished, most with a little run that goes with them. You definitely save money by building it yourself!

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