
[COLOR=000000]Well Karlamaria , starting out I knew I wanted a heritage breed. I'm a history buff and a tree-hugger besides, so biodiversity and locally adapted species are important to me. I wanted a dual-purpose bird that lays well and produces good meat. I love the flavor of pastured eggs, so I knew I needed a chicken that could range, and patterned varieties tend to be somewhat less vulnerable to predation, especially from hawks, which are quite common in my area.[/COLOR] Cold-hardiness is of course important to keeping comfortable animals in Montana, and Wyandottes are very well suited with their fluffy “petticoats” and compact combs – the Golden variety was developed in Wisconsin. I chose the Golden variety over the original Silver because I thought they would be better camouflaged against the dun ground around here, and also I thought they were especially pretty. The more I research the GLWs available, however, the more I find they are in need of some good genetic stewardship; there are few good breeders left, and far between (this board being the exception, of course). So, by keeping my own flock of GLW's, I can be part of the same genetic preservation movement that drives my heirloom seed exchanges.

I forgot to add they are reputed to have wonderfully sweet personalities, which is definitely something I'll enjoy if it comes through in the birds I end up with.
it's nice to see someone preserving the heratige ! Good choice and when you have a good breeding going on, maybe you will sell me a few :)
Sooo...I was in the supply store today buying some tools, and I couldn't help myself. Ended up getting 2 Buff Orpington chicks, which brings our flock to 7. I quickly found out that getting chickens is exactly like getting tattoos: once you get one you want to get more (which explains why I have 10 tattoos). These little chicks are so much more docile than the others we have, we found out that they love to snuggle too. Thankfully, my wife and son were excited about getting more chicks. But, with the addition of these newbies, I had to quickly build a bigger chick house out of scrap wood for the older chicks, and gave the former house to the youngsters. The older ones were bullying the smaller ones when I got them home; I wanted to see if they would accept them right off the bat. Oh well, hopefully in a couple weeks they will all be big enough to live in the same pen together!
RoyalT, I've feed Hubbard dog food in the past and liked it, so I would think their chicken food would be good also. I think I'm going to change to the West Feeds brand of chicken food, I got 1 bag of the layer pellets, and the girls really liked it. West Feeds is a bit out of the way for me, but I guess I'll just buy more at a time so I don't have to go there as often.
I've got another 64 eggs in the bator on day 4, I might try candleing them Sat night, or I may wait till Wed on day 10. RoyalT, I'll let you know how your eggs are doing when I candle them.
Candled my eggs tonight, threw out 2 , the third one is iffy so I will wait and see. Funny some looked older then the otters by several days, wonder if they were older eggs I got and then the rest gathered that day. We shall see , some look to be 10 days old and some right on target at 6/7 days old. White ones so far are fertile and only one brown one. Hoping I get a white bird. That lays white eggs.
RoyalT, I've feed Hubbard dog food in the past and liked it, so I would think their chicken food would be good also. I think I'm going to change to the West Feeds brand of chicken food, I got 1 bag of the layer pellets, and the girls really liked it. West Feeds is a bit out of the way for me, but I guess I'll just buy more at a time so I don't have to go there as often.
I've got another 64 eggs in the bator on day 4, I might try candleing them Sat night, or I may wait till Wed on day 10. RoyalT, I'll let you know how your eggs are doing when I candle them.
Awesome, the chicks seem to be doing well on it :)

Definitely let me know how those eggs do! I feel like punting those USPS warehouse workers... right in the good bits!
Hi Kalispell folks :) I'm just W of Missoula, and will be going to Kalispell a bit this summer on Sundays, if you want to do any egg/chick/whatever swaps.
RoyalT, I've feed Hubbard dog food in the past and liked it, so I would think their chicken food would be good also. I think I'm going to change to the West Feeds brand of chicken food, I got 1 bag of the layer pellets, and the girls really liked it. West Feeds is a bit out of the way for me, but I guess I'll just buy more at a time so I don't have to go there as often.
I've got another 64 eggs in the bator on day 4, I might try candleing them Sat night, or I may wait till Wed on day 10. RoyalT, I'll let you know how your eggs are doing when I candle them.
Azriel: I am glad you are happy with the West Feeds chicken feed --- after starting on it with my group, and I tried once to switch back to the Nutrena because it was on sale -- they refused to eat the Nutrena. So back to West Feeds we went................. you should call them to see if they will fill up bags for you........... I am going to call our local one... all they can do is say no. It is all Montana grown & processed, plus is 18% .... my girls love it.
Funny, I was just going to ask on this thread where is a good spot to buy quality chicken feed around Billings at a reasonable price! I looked up West Feeds on the internet, and it appears all of their dealers are in Texas. Also, there is a Westfeeds company but they mainly deal in cattle. Is there a West Feeds chicken feed dealer in Billings? If not, where is a good spot to buy feed in Billings?. My first 50lb, I bought at Big R (medicated starter crumbles) and it seems to be working great, but I am looking for a long-term supplier. I plan to check out Billings Farm and Ranch Supply soon.

Completed framing on the coop yesterday, and all interior stuff (nesting boxes, perches, ladder to perches, etc.). Sheathing the coop tomorrow. The most time-consuming part will be cutting out those little windows and ventilation holes and attaching the plexiglass panes and vent screens. Also, the shingles, but probably won't get that far tomorrow. Looks like rain/snow on Sunday!

Have a great weekend!


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