
Getting ready for a wind/thunderstorm, and hoping that the worst goes around us.

I'm attaching several pictures of one of the young roos I have --- Teddy the One-Wattle Wonder

This is Teddy:

Anyone ever had a rooster like this ? LOL . Guess it makes him unique. !

Hope everyone is safe with this crazy weather.
Yes,I had a bantam roo that had only one wattle-hatchery origin-When I noticed it, was no mark that he had been injured in any way. Thought I was seeing things. Can't remember the breed but definately a colorful bantam of a breed that I had specificly chosen. Unfortunately he was hawk lunch.
Oh my gosh! Teddy the One Wattle Wonder is awesome! He looks like he's saying, "Whatcha lookin at!?! Nothing to see here." He totally rocks that single wattle. :)
Oh my gosh! Teddy the One Wattle Wonder is awesome! He looks like he's saying, "Whatcha lookin at!?! Nothing to see here." He totally rocks that single wattle.
Where to start? A few (we think 4... one HUGE, two medium and one smaller) ravens have decided my ranch is AWESOME for picking up take-out dinner for the nest... 9 of my juvie chicks and about a dozen eggs have been stolen by these hoodlums (is that even a real word? Spell check is supporting my decision to use it, so we'll just go with it!). They are quite the pests, and I'm pretty sure we can't legally kill them... Hmpf. So I have live traps set... we'll see how that all goes. They just decapitated 7 chicks, one completely disappeared, and one was half-eaten. I'm guessing the chicks were for fun and the eggs are for the nest. Grr.

Then we had our last lambing of the season, and the little ram lamb is a cutie pie. A broody hen hatched out three of her 9 eggs before the ravens ran her off the nest -.- And we have been spreading topsoil and seeding for grass in the new pen. Busy busy around here!

Hope everyone's doing well, the storm rolling through dropped a good amount of rain on us, so we're grateful for the free irrigation!
RoyalT, so sorry about your losses to the ravens. I know they are protected in Alaska because they are sacred to the native americans up there, but I don't know about here, it seems if they are killing your livestock you should be able to shoot them. They are so smart though, it could be difficult to get a shot. Hopefully your live trap will work.

Thought I'd post a few pics of my chicks getting used to the idea of going in and out of the coop. Now, they are usually all in by 8:45, except one Buff Orpington pullet and one Black Australorp pullet hang out on the threshold of the chicken door, looking out! These are the same two that prefer to sleep on the coop floor. I have been placing them on the roosts every night, but don't know how long they stay there as all the chicks are on the floor wanting out before 6:30 when we get down there to let them out! Another hot day here (95) and my chicks handled it well. Supposed to cool down tomorrow. Check out my little BO Roo!

Thanks Doug- It was a bad Mother's Day surprise, that's for sure! Your little ones are so cute! How old are they now?

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