
Lmao. They must have heard me... less than 30 minutes after I typed that, I found two eggs no where near their boxes. Hahahahahahaha. But that means I have three laying now. :) yay! Any advice on how to get them all in the boxes?
Lmao. They must have heard me... less than 30 minutes after I typed that, I found two eggs no where near their boxes. Hahahahahahaha. But that means I have three laying now.
yay! Any advice on how to get them all in the boxes?
I still have this issue with a EE hen -- she always picks the same corner of the coop to lay her egg; no idea how to convince her that she's in the wrong place!
Some people say to put golf balls in the nest boxes to get the girls laying in them, but that has never worked for me, they just kick the golf balls out. Maybe because the're white so they know the're not really eggs?? I have a few that lay on the floor in a corner also. and one that lays outside under the sage bushes, at least I know which bush to look under. Every time I'm short a few eggs I wonder if they have started a nest outside somwhere and I'll have one come out with a bunch of chicks one day, but so far I'm not missing any of the hens.
My pullets range from 18.5 weeks to 14 weeks. I have 16 different breeds so its really fun to have a mixed bag. They have shocked us already with who has laid already and who hasn't. :) our first was one of our black stars, then a buff Orpington and just yesterday our Australorp laid. All have laid every day minus on a 92° day the black star took the day off. She has laid 8/9 days. Little trooper. :) I have a bunch of girls who look ready so I know the next week or two will be really exciting. Then the younger ones will start laying a couple weeks after that. So fun!!!
Oh and the first black star egg was between a small and a medium and the other two first eggs were small. Now the black star is a solid medium and fhs other two are still smaller. Its cute to line them up and see them get bigger with beach egg. :)
Thanks Rookie, mine are all at 17 weeks and five different breeds. Definitely showing signs and making little nests on the coop floor but no eggs yet as of this morning!
Thanks Rookie, mine are all at 17 weeks and five different breeds. Definitely showing signs and making little nests on the coop floor but no eggs yet as of this morning!

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