
At long last our EE laid this morning with all of us watching... and to our dismay its not a colored egg! My kids were heart broken and crying. Sheesh. Why oh why did we get one of the slim % of pea comb EE to lay a brown egg. It was a double yolker so that made the kids a little more excited but man. After losing our other two EE to illness this was such a let down.
LOL my pea comb EE, she laid light green eggs ,now we get white eggs from her, ( no kidding !!
I just have 3 hens, 2 Rhode Island Reds and a Plymouth Rock White that are all almost a year and a half old. I had another white girl, but a few months ago she just went missing. Anyhow, I'm originally from Seattle, so this whole experience and am learning so much from this site. :)
I just have 3 hens, 2 Rhode Island Reds and a Plymouth Rock White that are all almost a year and a half old. I had another white girl, but a few months ago she just went missing. Anyhow, I'm originally from Seattle, so this whole experience and am learning so much from this site. :)
Oh boy, now is the time to add more!! every year I add a few to my flock, that way the eggs do not slow down. the white girl most likely flew the coop lol, ran away, or do you live in the country and she was taken? what part of montana are you in now ? im in the butte erea. oh and good choice for birds, both lay excellently

rookie notice me EE the light colored one.... she laid green eggs then all of a sudden there now white. yep white. not sure why but then again I wanted a white egg lol. I got a leghorn just for that purpose and she will be laying in the next month. I will have two white eggs yay!!
My one little chick hatched today ! YEAAAA! I've been trying all evening to download pictures, but sometimes it is so frustrating -- says it is loaded then hit submit -- and sits forever doing nothing.

hot again today -- thought we were going to get a little storm a little while ago but it passed us by.

I will keep trying on the pictures
xxNicolexx, welcome to Montana! KarlaMaria, have you tried putting some blue food coloring in the EE's food?? Still no eggs here, broke down and bought some more store eggs!

Could someone please tell me if they are having problems loading a picture onto this blog? Or am I the only one? I'm doing everything right-same as I always do - and it still isn't working?
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