
Karla, how old was your EE when she laid her first egg? I notice my two EEs are spending a lot of time inside of the coop during the day, for the past week. They are 17 weeks old today. Could their cooping up be a good sign for laying? Or, do they just want to be alone from the rest of the flock?
My EE was 17w4d exactly. :) all mine have become VERY clingy to me and also nosing around in the nesting boxes. Usually once they are in the boxes its within a couple days. :) yay!
That's good news, looks like I better start eating the rest of my store bought eggs! I am looking forward to blue or green eggs this weekend. Funny, how the EE's are the youngest by 5 days but are showing the best signs of laying! I also noticed one of my barred rock's comb and wattles turned red, along with one of the BO hens. Hopefully they are getting ready too. Have a great weekend!

all of mine were over 20 weeks when they started to lay, sounds like yours are getting close ! got the golf balls ready? i had been leaving my girls in there cooled pen, but my egg count went down drastically this week. so i let them out and the eggs started coming right away lol. my pen is covered and I have a tarp on one side so evening sun never got in, looks like to dark for the girls, either that or they wanted out and decided to hold there eggs for randsom .
Doug: sounds like you are very close to getting eggs--- but I wouldn't eat all of your store bought eggs at one time! For the most part, the first couple of eggs you will see from each girl is tiny -- as in the size of a robins' egg. It's amazing how fast they get bigger -- ; I have cracked open a couple of those robin-size eggs and amazed to find a little tiny perfect yolk. And most of mine have never started out laying every day, from day one.
On another note, I have just about decided to somehow get some roll-out nests for my coop. I am sick & tired of coming home from work, and finding two or three half-eaten eggs in the nests, on the floor, etc. Every day. Roll-out nests won't cure the problem of the laying eggs on the floor but could eliminate the egg eating inside the nests. My dad is on vacation until next month sometime so I need to find some kind of drawings, plans, for him. I don't want him to have to make all new nesting boxes for me, so it would be so nice to modify what I have.

I have thought of putting a box of some sort on the floor in the corner for those who choose not to play the game right & refusing to lay in the nests, but I figure that whoever is eating the eggs on the floor or in the nests, can just as easily go over to the box, look inside, and eat the egg(s).

It's frustrating.
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Doug:  sounds like you are very close to getting eggs--- but I wouldn't eat all of your store bought eggs at one time!  For the most part, the first couple of eggs you will see from each girl is tiny -- as in the size of a robins' egg.  It's amazing how fast they get bigger --  ;  I have cracked open a couple of those robin-size eggs and amazed to find a little tiny perfect yolk.  And most of mine have never started out laying every day, from day one. 
a few times I got full sized eggs lol, one time I got a Teenie tiny egg and it had a double yolk . my EE girl laid every day from the start, and so far sohas my wheaten., and my olive egger. Amazing birds.
Anyone here order meal worms and crickets ? I'm looking for good deals !

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