
Attaching a few pictures of the new chick hatched on 7/10, so he/she is almost 2 weeks old. I am anxious to see if this is a pullet or roo. Any of you experts want to guess? Please let me know! Thanks!

Attaching a few pictures of the new chick hatched on 7/10, so he/she is almost 2 weeks old. I am anxious to see if this is a pullet or roo. Any of you experts want to guess? Please let me know! Thanks!

Cuties! Looks like they aren't suffering from the heat like my chickens. We got a nice rain today that soaked the chickens down, thank goodness!
Anybody here from West Yellowstone?
I'm just West of Missoula :)

I've been busy as heck and AWOL from BYC for a while. Here's a little update for those who wondered where I went:

-We picked up some military shipping crates to use as breeding pen coops. Still need to figure out exactly where I want to put them. they're HUGE!
-The sheep have been naughty houdini's of late... they really like hanging out with the next door neighbor's horse *sigh* I think I have their yard fixed now. They're all still back there after 12 hours! A sad, sad record.
-Our first yak calf was born July 1st, she's doing very well
-Our second was born Saturday and she passed away this morning at the vet's on IV fluids and tube feedings. She was premature and we suspect she had some trauma in development that resulted in a few 'birthmark' like spots. She was a fighter and lived 16 hours longer than could have been expected with her blood work.
-Got some new chicks today, a pair of CCL is the highlight of my sad day. Need to get pics of them :)
Karlamaria, I am so sorry it didn't workout to meet up for you to get your two new girls. I do know for sure I will be coming that way the 16th of Aug. If nothing works out before that, they can hitchhike with me and my hubby. I know they are going to be happy with you. :)
OK. I have problem. We have a 17w of New Hampshire Red pullet who is relentlessly bullying our little 21.5week old runt red star. What can I do!?! She is MEAN. Its not just if Sunny is close or something, she seeks her out and holds her down, rips feathers out and bites her comb. Ugh!
that's ok, we will wait ll, I actually have a broody so I'm putting 6 fresh light susex and a lavender orphington and a lemon barred orphington sooo excited to see what hatches. About the one picking on your star, get a nose blinder or what ever they are called, until she behaves. That's what I would o, or what I have done is cage the poop up and keep her caged until she is not top dog . I even resorted to a squirt gun last summer, they learned quick to stop fighting or Sam a squirt on the butt !
I'm just West of Missoula :) I've been busy as heck and AWOL from BYC for a while. Here's a little update for those who wondered where I went: -We picked up some military shipping crates to use as breeding pen coops. Still need to figure out exactly where I want to put them. they're HUGE! -The sheep have been naughty houdini's of late... they really like hanging out with the next door neighbor's horse *sigh* I think I have their yard fixed now. They're all still back there after 12 hours! A sad, sad record. -Our first yak calf was born July 1st, she's doing very well -Our second was born Saturday and she passed away this morning at the vet's on IV fluids and tube feedings. She was premature and we suspect she had some trauma in development that resulted in a few 'birthmark' like spots. She was a fighter and lived 16 hours longer than could have been expected with her blood work. -Got some new chicks today, a pair of CCL is the highlight of my sad day. Need to get pics of them :)
I'm so sorry for your loss hon :( so glad you have OE new baby :) and what a cutie ! Good find on the crates, where do you get those ?
I'm so sorry for your loss hon
so glad you have OE new baby
and what a cutie ! Good find on the crates, where do you get those ?
Thanks, it's been a rough few days. The crates we got for FREE from United Vanlines. They are used when military personnel transfer, and I think these were EAS moves, and with no military base close by (GF is the closest) I think the military doesn't want to pay to ship them back. Lots of good lumber for free :) Call around your local long-distance moving companies and see if they have any lying around :)

I got pics of the Legbars! The pullet has cream marks on her head, but the roo is bigger, whiter, and already acting rooish :) :

RoyalT, I'm so sorry about the loss of your calf, its so hard to see them sick and you try so hard to save them.
On an interesting note, I just found out that most more reasonable hair extensions are made from Yak hair.
I finally have a day off, Yea!!, the 1st in almost 6 weeks. I'm having lunch with Montanachicks, get some LHs and talk chicken. I have an interesting project in mind for next year with the LH and Wheaten Ameraucana for some super blue layers.

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