
Came home from work a while ago and one of my White Rocks has passed away. She hasn't been acting right--or looking right-- since late last week. I got a lot of good advice from people on the Montana/Wyoming FB chicken page, but despite doing everything people suggested, it was not enough to keep her here.

So now I know some things I did not know before: if your hens' comb all of a sudden starts drooping and turning colors -- as in going from red to a dark purplish color -- almost burgundy -- something is seriously wrong. I've learned that these are signs of several conditions: dehydration/heart problems/circulation. Could've been other things too. I'm not sure exactly if any of those was the problem, but she went from being perfectly healthy & happy to taking a nose dive very quickly. I am surprised she lasted as long as she did. She was 2-1/2 years old.

Even with thinking that this was a health condition and not contagious, I believe I should sanitize my coop. I had someone tell me that they did this on a regular basis anyway -- about every 2-3 weeks, mixing a water/chlorox solution in a spray bottle and spraying down the walls & sides of the nests. But I can't remember where or who I heard it from, or what the mixture was--how much water/how much chlorox. Does anyone else do this as a precaution? and if so, please enlighten me, and the rest of us on here. Am I over-reacting?

I sooooo dislike this part of raising chickens, pets, anything.

That's a shame. So sorry.
Sorry for your loss MontanaChicks. She was not that old but hopefully provided you many eggs and enjoyment over the past 2 1/2 years. If none of your other chooks show the same signs soon I would say she had an individual health problem. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to sanitize but I am in the camp that chickens and people need to be exposed to some filth in the environment in order to build up a healthy immune system. I will probably never sanitize (but do clean) my coop unless I discover some sort of a parasite or bacteria problem. Good luck and enjoy the rest of your flock!

Sorry for your loss MontanaChicks. She was not that old but hopefully provided you many eggs and enjoyment over the past 2 1/2 years. If none of your other chooks show the same signs soon I would say she had an individual health problem. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to sanitize but I am in the camp that chickens and people need to be exposed to some filth in the environment in order to build up a healthy immune system. I will probably never sanitize (but do clean) my coop unless I discover some sort of a parasite or bacteria problem. Good luck and enjoy the rest of your flock!

oh wow I'm just over in Superior where can I go to purchase some of your chickens in Deborgia I am very interested?
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Got 7 beautiful eggs by 2:20 PM today from my 12 young pullets and there is a BO sitting on the nest trying to lay another one! A new record! The only ones I know are not laying is the young EE and my roo!
Correction, 9 eggs today by 5:30 PM! The BO laid a nice light brown one and then about 3:00 I see our other EE (the flightly one) nesting in the far corner of the coop floor. Went out there at 5:30 and sure enough, there was a little light green egg in that nest! It is slightly darker, and more green than blue, compared to the other EE's egg. Hope she learns to use the nesting boxes, but I will make a very long-handled spoon if I have to so I don't have to crawl in there for her eggs in the future. At least I know that she too is a layer of very nice eggs!

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