
Hi Jennie! Are you on FB? There is group on there with LOTS of Montana chicken and poultry lovers! There is a guy in the group Walter, who specializes in breeding rare breeds. He has the absolute most beautiful colored Orpingtons... among others.
Yep I am. I think I am a member of that group also. Montana and Wyoming Poultry or something like that. I have a PM out to him but have not heard back...
I have to Post this because well its the cutest dang thing my Emmer girl is supporting the USA with her lil Apron
My chickens are enjoying a break from the hot weather! Today my sister gave me a yellow squash that got too big, I cut it in half lengthwise and fed it to the chickens. It was their first squash, and at first they were kind of scared of it, but within 2 minutes they were all devouring it. It was completely gone within an hour!

Still have the one broody BA, I take her off the nest a couple of times per day and lock her out of the run to free range for at least 1/2 hour per night, and she always goes back to the nest. I think she will be a good mother some day.

Got our five chicken aprons from Louise's Country Closet, they look nice and the mixed patterns are cool. One is camoflaged! Looking forward to fitting them to 3 or four of the hens with my boys in the next day or two!

Still getting 9-11 eggs per day, and I think the red IR bulb on a timer is helping with the pecking.
Danishennie that is adorable !
Wish I could have a rooster, but then again I'm glad I don't. They make to much racket lol.
Dug, I read where chickens peck because there pen is to small, my sister in law had 50 chickens in a huge pen, but they pecked something awful. I explained they needed more room, fifty chickens in a pen is to much if they can not free range. Well she ended up eating them all. Freezer camp and canned chicken. Several of my friends had the same problem, pens to small and hens pecking. I have twelve chickens and a giant pen, but a few days ago a chickens comb was snipped off, some turd took a big bite. My RIR are real boogers so there on there way out soon. I'm tired of them picking on my other sweet girls. Heck they will peck a baby to take the food from them. Do you know what hen is doing the pecking? If you do, put that one in a cage for a few days, he will loose the pecking order. I would do this to but I have 2 RIR that are naughty, there time is coming !
I love my Roo. He doesnt mack much racket unless you talk to him. Which I could post a video. I was saying Lewis mom loves you and he would Roo then I would say Does Lewis love mom and he would roo. We do this all the time. He us a gentle roo he tried bowing up on my husband when we were trying to put an apron in one of our golden laced she squacked really loud and Lewis decided to jump on the stair and he went to peck my husband and my husband put his finger out and said dont you dare and Lewis jumped off and just mumbled a bit. We seperated our 4 underdogs. They are the last on the pecking order and well frankly they do not care about the pecking order. 3 of them liked it one if them was kinda so so. We will see. Right now they are enjoying nachos. My daughter has some left over an they loved them!!
So just out of curiosity what are the aprons for?

If your hens are getting over used by the roosters and ending up with broken feathers and bare backs the aprons help protect their backs so the feathers can grow back and it keeps their backs from getting cut up from the roosters spurs.

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