
These eggs were my own -- Lohmann Brown roo/Lohmann Brown hen.

I made a discovery this morning, tho. I think one of them may be blind. One eye is not open at all and the other eye looks like the eyelid does not open. I had noticed that it wasn't near as active as the others.
Well, the little sick one passed away today.
She was the yellow one with stripes. God's way of keeping her from having to live a sad life.

The other three are busy, busy, busy.

I had tried the feather sexing on them............. even printed out the pictures showing how to tell if you have a pullet or cockerel; yesterday I knew (according to the pictures) that 3 were pullets & one I wasn't sure..... checked the three remaining this evening (along with the one who died, before I buried her), and if the pics are reliable, then all are pullets............. even the dark one w/ the stripe, which I had already named Alvin -- a suggestion from a friend, as it looks like a little chipmunk...... LOL........ so have to probably come up with a new name.

Hope everyone is doing well -- only supposed to get to 58 here tomorrow !! But then back to warm Thursday -- on.
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Hello I am in Bridger and have a beautiful Royal Palm Turkey tom and a Sweetgrass cross hen for sale or trade. I also have some beautiful Blue Wheaten roosters for sale or trade! Looking for eggs too to trade.
Thanks for looking Mary
Hi all!! Just joining in here from Belgrade! :) My 2 kiddos and I started chicken keeping last summer with just 4 sweet birds...we spent this past winter pouring over hatchery magazines dreaming about adding a 'few'. Well a 'few' brought our total up to 13 hens and we are having a blast!! :)
Hi all!! Just joining in here from Belgrade!
My 2 kiddos and I started chicken keeping last summer with just 4 sweet birds...we spent this past winter pouring over hatchery magazines dreaming about adding a 'few'. Well a 'few' brought our total up to 13 hens and we are having a blast!!

Chicken math!
Hi 388 , I hear you on the chicken math, we only wanted 5 and now have 12 plus four chicks. Or becoming pullets. It's fun, and crazy trying to keep a bottle on buying more and more lol.

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