
Thought I would post a couple of recent picks - a great daily egg haul of 11 eggs (we still have one BO hen brooding - have not broken her yet), and a pic of our two RIR's with their aprons on. We are currently getting 9-11 eggs per day. The white-looking egg is actually light blue, from an EE. The green egg is from the other EE.

The five hens we aproned all got used to them fast, and not one apron ever fell off. Highly recommend the aprons sold on-line by Louise's Country Closet. They seem to be doping the trick, and coupled with the red IR bulb on a timer in the coop, the tail feathers are growing back! My siblings think it is kind of funny that I would go so far as to make my chickens wear aprons, but the colors really brighten up the flock! Have a great weekend.

Thought I would post a couple of recent picks - a great daily egg haul of 11 eggs (we still have one BO hen brooding - have not broken her yet), and a pic of our two RIR's with their aprons on. We are currently getting 9-11 eggs per day. The white-looking egg is actually light blue, from an EE. The green egg is from the other EE.

The five hens we aproned all got used to them fast, and not one apron ever fell off. Highly recommend the aprons sold on-line by Louise's Country Closet. They seem to be doping the trick, and coupled with the red IR bulb on a timer in the coop, the tail feathers are growing back! My siblings think it is kind of funny that I would go so far as to make my chickens wear aprons, but the colors really brighten up the flock! Have a great weekend.

How many layers? I'm getting 5-7 daily out of nine layers.
Hello GroovyGuy - I have 12 layers. One Black Australorpe has been broody for the past 2 weeks, so not currently getting any eggs from her. Sounds like you are doing fine with eggs too!

Dug your girls are doing awesome !! Im still getting 9 eggs out of ten ( two are not laying as one has chicks and one is to young yet to lay) we are not doing any light, but there still going to town. those aprons are adorable!!! your practically getting a dozen a day, are you selling the eggs? im giving mine to mom dad, my son and my neighbors lol.
So what's everyone feeding their chickens? We are feeding Big Sky organic pellets, and Big sky organic Scratch, and just recently started feeding fodder from Montana Wheat grains.
So what's everyone feeding their chickens? We are feeding Big Sky organic pellets, and Big sky organic Scratch, and just recently started feeding fodder from Montana Wheat grains.

I am feeding WestFeeds pellets -- my chickens love it! -- offer that as dry, also using it in fermented feed. They also get a ration, twice daily, of wheat & black oiled sunflower seeds. I got a great deal at a grain elevator close to us -- beautiful spring wheat -- 400 # for $42.00. It is so good for them!
here's a pic of the new girls -- they are 7 days old today, and growing so fast! They're eating a cherry tomato with mom.

Hoping everyone has a wonderful week!

I leave Wednesday morning for a 10 day, long over-due, vacation to Virginia to see my 2 daughters & 4 grandkids. It's been a little over a year since I saw them & cannot wait to see them all! Flying out at 7 in the a.m., layovers in Denver & Chicago, then will get to Roanoke at 6 p.m., just in time to go watch my youngest grandsons' Pee Wee Football game. His older brother, my oldest g-child, is 16 & I'll get to see 2 of his football games while I'm there. My granddaughters are so sweet too, just can't wait to see all of them.
I haven't sold any eggs yet - just giving them away to family and neighbors - mostly neighbors so they put up with my rooster King. I am feeding Nutrena Layer feed that I pick up at Western Ranch supply, supplemented with oyster shells, Nutrena scratch, and various treats. Today they enjoyed some leftover nightcrawlers from fishing. I might try that WestFeeds layer feed soon.

My rooster King (avatar) attacked me for the first time tonight! I kind of knew it was coming because he has been getting bigger, and more and more brave and protective lately. I was squatted down in the back yard during free range time, holding an EE to straighten out her apron, and King ran and flew into my back, hitting me with his feet. It did not hurt at all, but was kind of surprising! I stood up and turned around and King was holding his ground, standing sideways to me, with his hackles up. I then booted him with the side of my foot, holding back so as not to hurt him, but knocking him sideways about 5', three times in a row. He finally turned and walked away. I like the fact that he is brave and protecting his hens, but will he ever get it into his little brain that I am not a threat? It's funny now, but I can't be having him do that when he grows his spurs out and learns to use them!
I feed a mix of Nutrena Country Feed Layer Pellets and Nutrena Country Feed 22% Meat Bird Crumbles. I mix Manna Pro Omega Layer mix and milled flax seed in with this.
They also get a Nutrena Chicken Scratch with added Sunflower seeds, Millet, rolled oats, small alfalfa pellets, and some peanuts.
Then they get greens - kale, chard, collards, green lettuce, corn on the cob, tomatoes, etc at least 3X/wk and pumpkin when in season to help with worming.
For special treats, they get live Superworms and Dried mealworms - I buy them in bulk on the internet.
And, of course, they have oyster shell and grit out at all times for them, as needed.
They usually free-range on our acre, though they frequently hang around the house area - there are often a number of them on the back steps waiting for the door to open.
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I haven't sold any eggs yet - just giving them away to family and neighbors - mostly neighbors so they put up with my rooster King. I am feeding Nutrena Layer feed that I pick up at Western Ranch supply, supplemented with oyster shells, Nutrena scratch, and various treats. Today they enjoyed some leftover nightcrawlers from fishing. I might try that WestFeeds layer feed soon.

My rooster King (avatar) attacked me for the first time tonight! I kind of knew it was coming because he has been getting bigger, and more and more brave and protective lately. I was squatted down in the back yard during free range time, holding an EE to straighten out her apron, and King ran and flew into my back, hitting me with his feet. It did not hurt at all, but was kind of surprising! I stood up and turned around and King was holding his ground, standing sideways to me, with his hackles up. I then booted him with the side of my foot, holding back so as not to hurt him, but knocking him sideways about 5', three times in a row. He finally turned and walked away. I like the fact that he is brave and protecting his hens, but will he ever get it into his little brain that I am not a threat? It's funny now, but I can't be having him do that when he grows his spurs out and learns to use them!

Doug: I've had the same issues with my rooster. It's good that you stood your ground, first time around. What scares me is what if he does it when your kids are out there? -- that's my issue, with my nephews & nieces. Sometimes it takes more than one episode before they finally get the message across. The last time mine did it, my dad was working on the coop & just happened to have a 2x4 in his hand -- he got wacked up along side the neck, and rolled three or four times............. I would have liked to have seen that, but since then, he has thought twice before doing it..... but I still don't trust him. Next time he tries this, stand up, put both arms out and puff yourself up to make yourself look bigger and just walk at him til he turns away. That usually helps too, but it doesn't work as well as the swift kick.
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