
I do have a question though. I have noticed one of them is being pretty mean to the others, grabbing them in the face area and dragging them all over! Is this normal, like establishing a pecking order?
DuginMT, I've never had a mama hen with baby chicks, but I remember reading on a thread where someone suggested putting the mama hen's food higher up where only she could reach it, and giving the little chicks the starter crumbles on the floor. I have no idea if that's correct or not though, just what I read.
Bowldy45, none of my chicks are mean like that! The most they do is square off and do that chest bumping thing and flap their wings. What breed is the aggressive one?
You have nine chicks total, right? How big is their brooder? My chicks started to get more feisty when they got bigger and didn't have a lot of space. Once we moved them to a bigger setup, they got peaceful again.
Yes, there are 9 chicks. There is a tunnel connecting the 2 tubs so they are able to go back and forth. Disregard what is in the tub, I have changed that whole set up already, lol. They seemed pretty peaceful for awhile, but the picking on each other seems to come and go. I have given them some small tree branches and a small piece of sod to help keep them busy.

I live in billings and a breeding my chickens. I have two incubators and am looking for some new chicks and chickens to add to my flock i am willing to sell babies and eggs that are fertile. If anyone has anything let me know. Thanks also selling
Bowldy, it looks like your chicks have plenty of room (I like your setup!) so I don't think they're getting crowded and cranky like I thought might be the case. I was trying to find a thread that I read a few days ago, so I could link it here for you to read. I can't find it, but the guy who started the thread also had a very aggressive chick. He said he separated the mean one for a few days, it was still in the brooder where it could see/hear the other chicks, but couldn't interact with them. I think he set up some sort of screen. When he let it go back with the others, it was a lot more docile.
Bowldy, it looks like your chicks have plenty of room (I like your setup!) so I don't think they're getting crowded and cranky like I thought might be the case. I was trying to find a thread that I read a few days ago, so I could link it here for you to read. I can't find it, but the guy who started the thread also had a very aggressive chick. He said he separated the mean one for a few days, it was still in the brooder where it could see/hear the other chicks, but couldn't interact with them. I think he set up some sort of screen. When he let it go back with the others, it was a lot more docile.

Thank you Adalida. I did just that for a few hours yesterday, and they all seem to be getting along great now!

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