
My boxer dog and the turkeys don't like arial predators. The roosters are always keeping an eye to the sky. The Tom turkey is big enough to threaten the raptors.
I've noticed there have been a lot of raptor attacks where we walk our dogs. You can see it's the big birds from the patterns around the carnage. Think they are trying to make up for slim pickings this winter.
I've noticed there have been a lot of raptor attacks where we walk our dogs. You can see it's the big birds from the patterns around the carnage. Think they are trying to make up for slim pickings this winter.
and the Montana thread!

I know its happening when the crows are going nuts...
I have mixed feelings about the crows/ravens. I read on here that they're good to have around, but they seem a little too interested in my peeps. Seems like whenever I let my birds out, the ravens show up and start hanging around. I haven't seen them trying to harass the chickens, but it makes me nervous that they keep flying over them and cawing. I thought this winter would be a little bit of a respite from predators, since mostly I worry about bears and they're all asleep now, but the raptors are keeping me on my toes!
Another Montana chicken plucker here, just signed up. we're about 25 miles east of Billings. No birds yet just getting started remodeling the chicken palace as my wife calls it.
Nothing decided yet buy probably a couple different breeds, RIR or some white or barred rocks, 15-20 to start. My wife gasped when I said 20 birds, she expected 5-6 but I told her it's not worth all that work for a handful of birds. Take into account mortality and intermittent periods of no egg production you need more than 6 birds, plus we have plenty of room. The breeds I mentioned are what we had back in Indiana and our climate here is pretty close so they should do OK. Dad and I kept some leghorns back then but we want just brown egg layers here. I have a day job and a business so coop remodeling is a slow process, we may not get birds until next year. I want to take my time and do it right, safe electrical, proper ventilation and varmint proof. My business is wildlife control so no varmint dares enter my property.

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