
Nothing decided yet buy probably a couple different breeds, RIR or some white or barred rocks, 15-20 to start. My wife gasped when I said 20 birds, she expected 5-6 but I told her it's not worth all that work for a handful of birds. Take into account mortality and intermittent periods of no egg production you need more than 6 birds, plus we have plenty of room. The breeds I mentioned are what we had back in Indiana and our climate here is pretty close so they should do OK. Dad and I kept some leghorns back then but we want just brown egg layers here. I have a day job and a business so coop remodeling is a slow process, we may not get birds until next year. I want to take my time and do it right, safe electrical, proper ventilation and varmint proof. My business is wildlife control so no varmint dares enter my property.

So nice your business is wildlife control! I have a link for you then, in praise of wildlife control experts! Curious to see what you think!

Also, as far as breeds are concerned, I am very happy with the wyandottes and partridge rocks I got as tiny chicks at Murdochs last Feb. Just a thought...they are doing brilliantly in our West Montana winter heat or insulation...they warm up the coop 10-15 degrees at night!

Here is the link on electric fencing that our wonderful local FWP helped me with last spring!

Lots of bears here...

Also, since you are here, can you weigh in a little on the subject of crows (just above) and chickens? Do you think they are a hawk deterrent or not so much?

I think you will get a lot of help here (if needed) on your coop plans etc. and all other topics chicken.
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in response to the last two replies:
Professionally I don't have any experience with crows or hawks but personally I don't think one species works as a deterrent against the other. It's like the old wives tale of bull snakes chase away rattlers, complete myth. I've trapped all species of snakes on the same property sometimes even catching multiple species in the same trap.

On Indiana weather yes it was much wetter in NW Indiana, most of it is basically drained swamp land, even after 150 years+ it still tries to revert back to swamp or marsh.
For those of you in NW Montana, how are you doing with all this snow we've been getting the past few days? And even more is forecasted through Tuesday!
Small dog breaking trail.
It has snowed here a foot at least but nothing today. Plow has been by twice ( I am so fortunate, live on a little traveled road). I think they are working on it before the predicted onslaught. This weather is out of the norm.

We shall see, temp 38. Blizzard forecast. Doesn't look like it in the sky tho, pretty light outside. Have had to shovel chickens out (!) in order to open run door for them. Above pic is before the foot of snow.

Dog is romping in snow, took toys out there to play with that we will not see again until spring thaw. Snow up to her nose but she pushing through it. Chickens most appreciative.

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