
Lower Valley is going to process the hog we bought half of just as soon as they can get her out of the pen. Too much snow right now. The lady who owns the pig was told that they don't do poultry. I went to their web site. It does say the smoke poultry, but I'm assuming you bring in your own cleaned and defeathered carcass.

I did some research. There is no certified poultry processors in the whole state of Montana. There is a group of poultry farmers near Hamilton. They are trying to get enough money together to make a poultry processing plant. It'll cost $60,000.

Maybe we can find someone who is willing to do the physical work for 1/2 the birds.
Omg we are out that way too. We actually live up by echo lake. We have all chicks. Our first batch a few weeks ago were white rock,then last week we got australorp, New Hampshire reds, jersey giants, I cannot remember because my has been picked it out. So all in all we have a total of 24. And we have them in the house right now and we are in the process of making a chicken house. We used to have chickens before a few years ago but we lived in California then. So this is a new experience having them up here.
There are a lot of articles in BYC about building a coop. The advice that I found the most helpful was to have plenty of ventilation so the birds are comfy winter and summer, use 2 by 4's for roosts, and use a container with stock tank heater and horizontal nipples for water in winter. I use a plastic tote and mobius uses a bucket but they work on same principle. Water stayed thawed even at -22. Also that electric fencing is good to keep predators away.

I'm replacing my flock this year. Yesterday I got Salmon Faverolles, EEers, and Whiting True Blue. The WTB are just because I want to see if they do lay blue eggs. The SF are because I fell in love with a SF rooster a couple years ago. Hoping to raise some next year.

It's so nice to know there are others in the area who also enjoy chickens. There are several of us from the area.
Omg we are out that way too. We actually live up by echo lake. We have all chicks. Our first batch a few weeks ago were white rock,then last week we got australorp, New Hampshire reds, jersey giants, I cannot remember because my has been picked it out. So all in all we have a total of 24. And we have them in the house right now and we are in the process of making a chicken house. We used to have chickens before a few years ago but we lived in California then. So this is a new experience having them up here.

Hi neighbor! Busy time in early spring doing coop! Best of luck, ask me anything! I love Echo Lake Cafe! My crocus just started blooming today...if you need info about feed or stuff like that, I really like CHS in Kalispell. They have a nice organic feed if you like that stuff (I do).
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There are a lot of articles in BYC about building a coop. The advice that I found the most helpful was to have plenty of ventilation so the birds are comfy winter and summer, use 2 by 4's for roosts, and use a container with stock tank heater and horizontal nipples for water in winter. I use a plastic tote and mobius uses a bucket but they work on same principle. Water stayed thawed even at -22. Also that electric fencing is good to keep predators away.

I'm replacing my flock this year. Yesterday I got Salmon Faverolles, EEers, and Whiting True Blue. The WTB are just because I want to see if they do lay blue eggs. The SF are because I fell in love with a SF rooster a couple years ago. Hoping to raise some next year.

It's so nice to know there are others in the area who also enjoy chickens. There are several of us from the area.

How exciting new chickies...and yes we DO know about the weather hahahaha! It all worked out very well but takes some prep and forethought....let's have some pix of chix! you too, bergman!

And the predators...I better post my link here:

If I could build over I would have a woods style coop hands down.
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Hi neighbor! Busy time in early spring doing coop! Best of luck, ask me anything! I love Echo Lake Cafe! My crocus just started blooming today...if you need info about feed or stuff like that, I really like CHS in Kalispell. They have a nice organic feed if you like that stuff (I do).

Hey neighbor, spring I started a busy time. Getting everything ready for the ladies and the garden. Still waiting for the snow to melt in our back yard. Trying to figure our a cheap way of doing a green house. Can't do the seeds in house:( we have the ladies space cleared already. I'll check out the CHS. Thankyou. Do they have the grains as well. I was thinking of mixing my own. Got to do more research though.
How exciting new chickies...and yes we DO know about the weather hahahaha! It all worked out very well but takes some prep and forethought....let's have some pix of chix! you too, bergman!

And the predators...I better post my link here:

If I could build over I would have a woods style coop hands down.

My hubby has a few ideas for ventilation for the coop. I can't wait till he gets started and finishes it. He is doing wood. He is a framer so that helps.

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