
I have been there before. They are really nice and very informative. I went I for rabbit food at the time. So that was my focus at the time. I'll go in a check them out. Thankyou. I've read site we're people make their own mix of stuff so I'm excited to try that.

As I am sure you already know, just be sure and use a vitamin-mineral pre-mix.
Checking in from Big Sky Montana!! Question for you Montanians- do any of you have sagebrush in your pens or around ducks/geese? I cannot for the life of me, find any info in regards to sagebrush & waterfowl! I think it would work perfect for a couple of sagebrush in their predator proof pen they will be enclosed in while I am at work (free range when I am home) also, what about wild grass- I believe amazon sells them as *live decorative grass* you know... the big clumps of variety grass you see alomg side dirt roads
if anyone has any info on this, it would be greatly appreciated!
Checking in from Big Sky Montana!! Question for you Montanians- do any of you have sagebrush in your pens or around ducks/geese? I cannot for the life of me, find any info in regards to sagebrush & waterfowl! I think it would work perfect for a couple of sagebrush in their predator proof pen they will be enclosed in while I am at work (free range when I am home) also, what about wild grass- I believe amazon sells them as *live decorative grass* you know... the big clumps of variety grass you see alomg side dirt roads
if anyone has any info on this, it would be greatly appreciated!

If you plan on grabbing sage from the roadside be sure to beat the bejezus out of it.
The ticks out in full force this year!
I have juniper and will be adding sage and wild grass to my quail pen. Perfect "hiding" spots.
Hey! I just got my very first ducklings this morning! I agree with you...its pretty hard to find info on ducks (or any waterfowl for that matter) compared to the plethora that is out there for chickens, but what I have come up with treats wise is that they will benefit from the same things. I'm actually growing extra herbs this year just for the Duckies and will having them growing right next to their coop so its easy to pick and throw in for them to nibble on. Sage wise, I have started my own sage plants under grow lights a few weeks ago (I LOVE much one of my Cuyuga's is named after it!!!!) but you should check out a local nursery. Last year I found sage plants at mine I go to in Missoula for a great price, but would probably wanna pot them for a few months before letting the gals at it free range so it can get big enough. I am also growing them Lemon Balm for in the coop ( suppose to be a stress reliever, antioxidant, repel rodents, AND keep it smelling decent!...and easy to grow, mine sprouted within a few days) Parsley, Basil (another of my ducks names), Oregano, Mint, and some other easy to grow herbs. Anyone else have any input?!?!
If you plan on grabbing sage from the roadside be sure to beat the bejezus out of it.:gig  The ticks out in full force this year!
I have juniper and will be adding sage and wild grass to my quail pen. Perfect "hiding" spots.

Thank you! I didn't even think of ticks! They don't seem to heavy where I am, but I will be sure to check! Are there any other plants, bushes, trees, grass, ect. you would recommend putting in their run & around our yard?
Hey! I just got my very first ducklings this morning! I agree with you...its pretty hard to find info on ducks (or any waterfowl for that matter) compared to the plethora that is out there for chickens, but what I have come up with treats wise is that they will benefit from the same things. I'm actually growing extra herbs this year just for the Duckies and will having them growing right next to their coop so its easy to pick and throw in for them to nibble on. Sage wise, I have started my own sage plants under grow lights a few weeks ago (I LOVE much one of my Cuyuga's is named after it!!!!) but you should check out a local nursery. Last year I found sage plants at mine I go to in Missoula for a great price, but would probably wanna pot them for a few months before letting the gals at it free range so it can get big enough. I am also growing them Lemon Balm for in the coop ( suppose to be a stress reliever, antioxidant, repel rodents, AND keep it smelling decent!...and easy to grow, mine sprouted within a few days) Parsley, Basil (another of my ducks names), Oregano, Mint, and some other easy to grow herbs. Anyone else have any input?!?!

Great response! Thank you! I go to Missoula every so often, maybe once a month, can you give me the name of the nursery? I would love to go check it out! Also, I haven't ever heard of Lemon Balm. Where do you buy it & does it come back every year? I am new to having a feathered flock, husband & I decided on ducks over chickens. We ordered 2 Jumbo Pekins, 4 runners, and 3 geese, 2 African & 1 White embden (All 9 are females) from Metzer Farms. I decided on not getting any drakes or ganders. We want them for pets & eggs. I read a lot on mating season & agression, so we decided on an all female flock.
They won't be here until June, but I want to be completely set up & all the knowledge I can gain ahead of time! Anything helps!
Any other Montana folk out there that wants to add in on information about raising & keeping waterfowl in Montana. Our climate is a little more unique & much harsher winters.
How do you keep your ducks & geese cozy all winter?
Also, how you landscape your pen & yard.
Any predator advice?
Hawks are probably one of our main concers?
Any input helps! Let's bring this thread back to life!
Are any of you Montanans having trouble lately with all the big birds eyeballing your flock? It seems like it's a constant battle to keep my peeps from becoming a buffet for some hungry predator. In the last week, an osprey was hanging around; a hawk dive bombed the flock right at the front porch; and an owl got ahold of my Muscovy. I've seen bald eagles and golden eagles circling too. If my birds free ranged all the time instead of just when I'm home, I probably wouldn't have any left!

I read on a thread somewhere about hanging old cds on string & hanging them around where your chick's are. The reflection from the CD will scare off hawks. I have not tried this yet, but I want to see how it works! Hawks & owls are my concerned predator

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