
Howdy ya'll! I grew up in Glendive and Miles City and my mother still lives in Glendive! She doesn't have chickens but we do down here in Dacono, CO. Possibly in the next four or five years we might be moving back to montana and its great to see people here!
Well hello! I was born and raised in Havre. I now live just outside of Conrad about an hour from Great Falls. I have visited Glendive a few times. It is seems like a nice little town. If you ever do get the chance to move back, be sure and let us know!
Hello all you Montanans out there. I'm new to this forum and am in Potomac valley about 25 miles east of Missoula. I have 16 Chantaclers. They were bred in Canada to be especially cold tolerant. They run around in the snow and did real well last Dec. when we had that cold snap. I picked up some peeps at Quality Supply in Missoula in March so now I have 3 brown Leghorns, 5 Buff Orpingtons and 5 Araconas. Oh, and one of my Chantaclers is setting on 13 eggs. I have been selling my extra eggs to my co-workers who really love them. I'm so glad to have found this forum. What a wonderful resource.
from a fellow Montanan just south of you! Do you have picts of the Chantaclers? I'd love to see them.

I bought a bunch of chicks at Quality Supply too. 4 RIR, 5 black sex-links, 6 Cornish X, 2 EE, 2 Gold sex-links, 2 brown leghorns, 2 turkeys and 2 geese. I also bought 4 Ameraucanas from a private breeder.
Hey all!
I'm in Great Falls!

I had adult chickens years ago, but just got 77 new babies to start our flock!
We hope to be moving from Great Falls to Craig by this Fall. We have the peepers in the garage right now, waiting for this rainy, chilly weather to pass by before we send them out doors on our 20 acres. In the process of building a temporary coop and chicken corral. That will be located inside our llama pasture. Llamas are great at keeping predators at bay.
Anyone else from Great Falls?
I have 9 llamas (most in need of shearing!), plus three sheep and a goat. A "spinner's herd" really. Nothing too big. I spin with a wheel and wanted some fiber critters...and I always thought they were so darn cute!
They are on 5 rented acres under the airport, about 1/2 a mile from our house. I can't wait to get them all down to our land in Craig and just be able to look out my back window and see them!
We plan on moving 4-5 of them to the Craig land in the next month and have the chicken coop inside the llama pasture for protection. The llamas have dealt with geese on the pasture before, so I think they will be fairly accepting of their chicken roomies!
Great Falls here too, moved here in Feb. Hoping to move a few miles out of the city soon on some land finally. Where did you get your llamas? Theyre always something I've wanted too.

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