
We've been here for about 6 years ourselves. I got my first three llamas in OR, the rest came from here in MT. A couple we bought, the rest were rescues or rehomed. They are really great beasties! You can see mine off of Hwy 15, by the Sun River. My two biggest boys are in serious need of shearing and I have one girl, June Bug (rehomed with us) that has never been sheared before. Like I said, we'll be taking some down in a month or so. The pasture they are on now can't sustain all the head of critters and we have to hay. The Craig land is chock full of green pasture! They've overgrazed the land they are on now.
How far out of the city did you want to go? The hubby will have an hour commute each way when we move. But it's a nice drive...well, without snow blowing it is! LOL! They keep it cleared though. Craig has lots of land for sale, but where we are at there's no power, water or phone. Going off grid!
We're working on buying a house about 15 minutes from town off of McIver. As much as we would love to go off grid we just cant do it right now, and my BF being in the air force has to stay within 30 minutes of the base.
Don't be jealous, lots of hard work and barely any $ left and still tons to do!
I would love a windfall right now too!!
Know anybody who wants to rent/buy a house in Great Falls? Love to get out from under this place so we can concentrate on the place in Craig.
We'll be moving from an 1800 sq ft house to a 25X30 ft. metal garage on 20 acres. THEN in about two years we will try building a straw bale house. The hubby, myself and two kids in a 25X30 building for the next 2-3 years??

Well, at least there's lots of places to hide the bodies on 20 acres
Don't be jealous, lots of hard work and barely any $ left and still tons to do!
I would love a windfall right now too!!
Know anybody who wants to rent/buy a house in Great Falls? Love to get out from under this place so we can concentrate on the place in Craig.
We'll be moving from an 1800 sq ft house to a 25X30 ft. metal garage on 20 acres. THEN in about two years we will try building a straw bale house. The hubby, myself and two kids in a 25X30 building for the next 2-3 years??

Well, at least there's lots of places to hide the bodies on 20 acres

lol, that is going to be fun! And I mean that! I wouldn't mind doing the straw bale house myself. But, for now we will concentrate on taking care of the loans we have, and then saving money whenever possible to do what we can when we can

And you have more than enough acreage to lose the bodies
Fellow Montanans. I live in Sidney, quite a ways from all of you but it is really nice to see more people from te state on this forum. I have 22 Buff Orpingtons that just survived their coop flipping 4Xs from the straight line winds we had 2 weeks ago.....the luckiest chickens in Montana!
Link to pics if interested....
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Yeah, the wind is always blowing here...they say ....the only thing around to stop the wind is a barbed wire fence...and it is down!
Nice to finally meet others here, I pass a few hours away from Sidney when I drive back to MN. I'm originally from Minnesota, the winds I can handle its this lack of humidity that is kind of rough on me.

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