
No wind, thank goodness, still have a light snow falling.
Also 6 degrees here too.

Listening to the county road crew trying to get the roads plowed. 3 road districts with 800 miles of roads each.
Poor guys.
Lots of calls coming in and I'm waiting for the complaints.

We are not going anywhere. Just staying home and staying warm.
Here are Missy and Stubby running through the snow. they were too funny.






We got over a foot. In fact, we have had off and on snow all day. My husband has been taking the front wheel drive car, so I have been staying home, cozied up to the fire!

The roads are not plowed out here, and it usually takes a couple days, but we seem to manage as long as we get a good head start! I have been shoveling, and only have about a 20x20 ft spot to finish. My sciatic nerve has been flaring up, otherwise I would have been done by now! I shovel, come in, sit on the heating pad for a couple hours, and it seems to be fine. I am going to go out to the coop and get the eggs, then go shovel some more!
Wow, looks like a lot of ppl got lots of snow up northward!
The weather man said we would get the same
thing but he lied again, all we got was a skiff, lol! We did however get the cold at atleast -20 to -25 with wind chill and wind speed up to 30 mph. So for once, little to no drifting (only saying this because the wind and snow drifts are about all we know in this valley during winter).

Sure hope every one is staying warm and safe in those conditions. Thanks to herfrds for the great pics of your really cute dogs playing in the snow.
Loved it!
Snowing here again *sigh*

Wind was blowing like crazy last night and have drifts everywhere.
Waiting for the road crew to get the roads cleared so the kids can get to the bus tomorrow.
just gotta love this weather huh

well okay I have for sell Two Roosters, one dark cornish and one black australorp. Ill even give you some hens to go with them if you want. They aren't bad birds but they are roosters and you know how boys will act. Im asking 20 bucks a piece just for the boys. It will have to be a pick up .. just pm me if you are interested and wanna see pics
I'd be up for it.

Please explain. I don't know what an egg swap is!

where we say what we have Lf, bantam, mixes etc and what we would like to have. like large fowl , bantam or designer breeds, or mutts. like we would ship 6+ eggs of what we have, and then pm the other person what we want. Like one of us would be in charge of seeing who wants in get all their information , pair them up with someone else and swap eggs. we send eggs to someone and then they send us eggs.

Wanna do it when it gets warmer???
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