
How many, how old are they (pullets, so less that a year?) and what price are you asking?

I have three black stars and two red stars they will be a year in july . they are six months old and are starting to lay and they are nice big eggs. Im giving them away...
How many, how old are they (pullets, so less that a year?) and what price are you asking?

I have three black stars and two red stars they will be a year in july . they are six months old and are starting to lay and they are nice big eggs. Im giving them away...

I am too far away, but how sweet of you
My neighbor down the road just gave me 12 laying hens and a duck about the same age as yours. On top of that she saves her scraps and gives us grain and barely when they clean their bins, correction our bins, they lease them! In return I give her eggs whenever she needs them. I was very grateful when she called and said, want them, they are yours! My DH on the other hand, was not so excited about filling a second coop, but he spent an entire day doing it
Good luck on finding someone to take them.
Hi from the top of the Bull mtns just S of Roundup. I've been in MT about 9 years now, just love it here. Just got my 1st chickens last June. I started with 3 red sex-links that one of the Vets I work for gave me. Now I have 16. Chicken math at work. BlueBirdChick, I would take your sexlinks. I really like mine. I do not have heat or extra light in my coop, and I get 10-13 eggs a day from my 15 ladys. If you have had yours in a heated coop maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to move them to non heated with this cold weather comming.
hey anyone want two american dominique chicks. Not sure what they are was told cockrels ??? But you can never tell anymore.. Just let me know I cant keep them Ive got two roosters as it is.
I hate to see nice pullets go into the stew pot. If you think they would be ok without heat I'll take them.

Oh yeah theyve been without heat before
so cool you'll take them they are very pretty girls.
yeah they'll be okay their montana chicks hehehee. You gotta be tough to survive here lol. So cool
Okay so just let me know when you can come up this way If the road isnt too bad .whatever works for you Im home most of the day anyway. I dont have a phone but yeah like i told ya im home most of the time anyway. I promise you wont regret taking them. They are good girls I dont wanna get rid of them but yah you know how that goes. thankyou thank you



Is anyone near Kalispell coming to the Spokane, CDA area in the next week or so? We have a friend that needs a ride to pick up a vehicle.
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Does anyone know of a place that will butcher (process) poultry within driving distance of Billings or Roundup? I want to get some meat birds. Chickens and turkeys this spring, but know I can't do the deed myself.

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