
Life happened, not able to go and I'm not happy. I was looking forward to having some fun! Thank you for the directions, I'm hoping to get there some day. I thought I had been there before, but nope never. I guess you take the Idaho falls exit? How's the garden Christine? Did if give you a great yield this year? My other 2 chickens laid today! Im so happy, but still need to buy eggs lol, my mom and dad go through a ton, so if you know anyone who has 6 or7 dozen to sell let me know. I'm pretty sure my 5 will keep us in eggs, but not mom and dad to. How's yours doing?
I'm back.

sorry you were gone and I could not meet up with you in Helena Karla.

DD screamed bloody murder in the dentist office. I'm laying bets she traumitized several children in the waiting room.
the dentist was putting the numbing stuff on her gum with a q-tip.

He had to pull 2 baby teeth.

Got our harvest done. Have 2 weddings this weekend and I have to steam clean our good truck. Had a gallon jar full of milk break in the back yesterday.

Looking for a home for 4 kittens. Dang coyote got their mom and DH and DS found them up at our corral crying like crazy and wandering around. they are so cute. 3 girls and 1 boy. Guessing about 4-5 weeks old. Their eyes are just now changing from the kitten blue to the gold color.
We already have 3 house cats and no room for more.
Howdy from NW Montana!

I don't know any poultry shows, but I don't show birds, so I'm not a good person to ask. I haven't seen Pyncheons in this area, so I don't know how cold hardy they are. My guess is if they have a small enough comb, they will probably be hardy enough.
Thanks for the reply. Sounds like you are one busy gal, but if you ever come across any new info about pyncheons in your "work",I would be very interested. I am getting a bit disappointed as they are neat little bantams. Supposed to be the oldest Bantam breed yet the couple breeders out there are trying to recreate them ???? And they are available from hatchery in limited supply but according to the "breeders" those aren't Pyncheons ???? So am trying to find out if there really are any Pyncheons out there somewhere or if they all are just a composite somebody has made up ......I would think there must be some of the real breed hidden out somewhere !
My son had that happen to LOL, he had 6 at a time pulled ( baby teeth) they were all loose but would not come out LOL> Sorry I missed you!!! fresh milk in your truck? l;ucky girl Im still looking for milk to buy ! what did you harvest ? I would love a kitty, but everyone of us is alergic
we tried but nope we all got to sick. my son is so allergic he ends up in the hospital.
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is there anyone around Butte ,Whitehall etc selling eggs?? Im in need of several dozen a week and can not find any. my chickens are just now laying but my kids eat them to fast. I need some for mom and dad to. So if any of you want to meet up some where, Im game. I need 6 dozen to start with and 6 dozen every two weeks after. contact me please if you want to sell your eggs
( and milk )
Eventually we might have enough eggs to share but we are just getting enough right now for us and my parents. Hopefully the other girls step it up soon and get laying.
Yep fresh milk. Went fishing yesterday and I guess I didn't get it all out because the truck stunk pretty bad.
Going to the car wash with it today. No I'm not leaving the windows down. But I plan to re-clean the carpet with my Bissell tonight.

DD has had several teeth pulled. You would think she was used to it by now.
thrilled to find someone near anaconda . she has so many birds and she has peacocks!! ducks. etc. we are heading out to see her saturday
thanks sweetie, my birds are laying good, got 2 today 3 yesterday and 4 the day before.... wait there going backwards LOL
I got to thinking about the smell of spilt milk and yep Im pretty sure it smells sour right? hope you get it all out, wish we had fresh milk, lucky girl you are!! Today we went to Bozeman, ( not by choice LOL ) and I saw so many homes in the country I got to thinking how wonderful it would be if I lived out there to. I hate the city!!! I wish we were at least 30 miles from town, but nope Im still here in the city. UGH, I envy you all who live out where you can raise chickens ( more then 5) and other farm animals !! Hows the girl today, gums feeling ok??
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