
Well I live here in Absarokee. It's quite the drive o0 . I don't know if I'm going to have any ameraucana's hatch at all now. I checked them and they aren't ready yet. Some were shrink wrapped
some weren't . I gotta check on the ones that were shrink wrapped. I hope that those ones make it. I know the ones that weren't will make it.

Not sure what happened my humidity was where it should be..
Hi Karla,
What breeds are you going to be looking for? I will have several breeds of chicks next year. I have some nice wheaten marans, wheaten/bue wheaten ameraucana, mixed orps-I have a beautiful half english black roo and a lav. roo and my orp girls are blue, lav, buff, and I've been thinking of crossing the blk orp with my slw to see how they turn out for meat birds. I also have a very nice black ameraucana roo that I would like to cross with some of the light brown egg layers to get some EEs. I'll most likley start setting eggs mid Feb.
Just a note, the chickens really do not need heat as long as they have a good draft free coop, thawed water, and good food, they do very well. If you do use heat lamps, please be very careful, we do not want you to be posting "my coop burnt down".
I have ONE egg that is going to hatch in the next two days. I know this is a long shot, but does anyone have any chicks younger than a week they could sell me so I could have a buddy for this chick?
you know I was thinking more buffs, my girls are the best egg layers and I get one from each of them every day. i would love a different colored buff orphington, need about 3 more. Im selling my coop I had made last year, and having a new wider one built. I love my coop its great for 5 but to small for 8 or ten birds. i want to get the girls early this next year, start them first of February and have them laying by july. Buffs seem to be great layers, maybe leg horns to ? with my kids we seem to go through 3 dozen a week . my chickens work over time lol, and Im still buying free range from others. How close are you to Butte?
I wish I did hon, there is a sweet gal in anaconda that alsys has chickens and chicks. maybe I can contact her for you? or you can contact her? [email protected] tell them Karla said you had girls who laid eggs and you need a small chick. last time I was out her way she had several sitting on eggs.
Hello All, I was living in Montana ( Billings) A year ago and moved back home to california. Within the next year or two I'm moving back to Montana for good, and I plan on getting into breeding. I personally like Brahma's so that will be a big focus for me. But I'm also curious as to what others in the state like.
Personally I like my buffs, there so sweet and they give an egg a day! they lay on them and keep them warm for me, so no egg is ever cold. where do you plan on living when you come home? I hope close to me, I love seeing other peoples chickens
I have a HUGE Buff Brahma Rooster ( Can't find any ladies here for him). I also have a pair of buff laced brahmas one gold laced and a bantam dark. I'll be in billings, but I'd have no problems traveling around. I like meeting chicken people too. I was thinking of getting into Wyandottes as well...not sure how I like them as of yet. I have a few hatchery girls and they are decent but the breeder ones I've hatched not impressed with their overall size and egg size.
I want to get meat birds this spring but can not seem to find anyone to process when the time comes. Anyone here know where to find a place that does process? Medflies, I'm off to look at what yor birds look like
I wish I did hon, there is a sweet gal in anaconda that alsys has chickens and chicks. maybe I can contact her for you? or you can contact her? [email protected] tell them Karla said you had girls who laid eggs and you need a small chick. last time I was out her way she had several sitting on eggs.

Go ahead and contact her as well. Thanks so much!

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