
Im in butte, nothing close I do not believe. Seems I'm Bergen a rock and a hard place living here lol. So glad you are ok, those fires scare me, praying you stay safe !
Darn, ypur pretty far away for me
I do not drive more then about a hundred miles, I tend to fall asleep at the wheel and have to stop a lot.
Karla, I'm always up for a road trip, I would be willing to go as far as Big Timber or Livingston, but unless I bring my dogs with, I can't be gone more than about 8-9 hours. I'm sure when your ready we can work out something.
You were asking about sex-links, I know there is a guy that has POL Red Sex-Links every Aug or Sept. I think he gets about $10.00 for them, he is someplace around Columbus. He has ads in the Thrifty Nickle when he has them ready.
Hi hon, say what is pol? I'm not sure my car would take as far as Bozeman lol. We shall see maybe my chicken will go broody again and I can put some of your eggs under her !
POL= point of lay, this guy orders from Mt Healthy and raises the pullets to about 12-14 weeks. My first chickens came from him in a round about way. I think he also has Buff Orps, and maybe Rocks.
So he raises them to a point and then sells them? I want chicks, babies I can imprint to my family so there sweet and friendly. I also read up on comets and stars? They lay well to. I really want good layers with bigger eggs. My chickens lay medium only one only small eggs.
How many would you want? I was thinking of getting some more Golden Sex Links, I love mine, huge eggs, and they lay almost daily, only skipping maybe one day every 2 weeks or so. But they are 3 years old now and will be slowing down soon. I got some Production Reds last year, but I'm not that happy with them. They are sweet and friendly, but only lay about 4 eggs a week, and the eggs are not much more than med. Would you be interested in splitting an order of chicks?
I'm wanting 3 , my coop is to small to add any more so I have to have a new coop made . Am also going to extend the run. 3 sex link babies would be awesome. Still in the planning stages of the coop, having a man look into building me one but am waiting for replys. Will let you know soon as I know. And yep we could share an order, but I'm only interested in 3-4 more. Also if my broody goes back in broody mode, I can get some sex links from a gal down the road. She has white and red birds, those make sex links right? Rhode island reds and bard rocks?
I am between Butte and Dillon and am looking at doing an Ideal order, and would be interested in sharing an order with anyone near by. I have done Ideal before and always had good luck. I have done Murcochs and had real bombs with them. I know it is really a "crap shoot" for any chicks, but am going back to mail order.

Let me know if you are interested and close by.

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