
It is interesting with the duck eggs, because they are kept with my chickens and on the same feed I don't think the eggs taste different at all they are just much larger.
S o I decided not to get a new coop, save my money and decorate the whole yard and only add 2 chicks to my girls this year. I think my coop will hold two more girls, and I'm going to instead get new fencing around the coop, and add flowers and shrubs and a few fruit tree's to the front they will be contained beHind the pretty fencing and my yard will fair much better. Also going to order a giant truck load of sand and redo the pen. Add flower boxes to the coop, and some pretty painting and fix it up so it's a pretty addition to my home. With the cost of a new coop, my yard can look beautiful! My coop is insulated, but I'm going to hire a man to come and wire the coop to make it easier for lighting and water warmth. Going to add some nice stepping stones, and a garden this year also. It's a small yard, but it does not have to look like a barn yard lol
Dad Blast It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stinking cold. I lost 3 eggs today because I didn't get them in time. They froze and cracked. Lost 5 yesterday.
Discovered one of my chickens is an egg eater too. She is heading for the stew pot.

Got 2 heat lamps going and got my heated waterer plugged in too. Was -7 this morning and now the wind is picking up. Talk about COLD!!!!
I have three broody hens who are saving my behind in that department; they sit on the eggs and keep them nice and toasty warm until I can get out to them. I still loose far too many though, and it is always the prettiest ones - Always.

I hear ya!!!!

Do you have any dogs? Mine love it when the eggs freeze and I have to give them to the dogs.
I scrambled several eggs for my girlscand warmed up blueberries. Is so cold I wanted them to have a warm meal . My coops os not heated, I feel so bad but it is insulated and the pen is totally covered, even the door to it lol. It's all set against my garage so at least not as cold as wide open in a field. My girls were in there coop early today poor things. Oh and I never get to my eggs in time, not sure if there frozen but there sure cold. So when they freeze they crack? Mine have not cracked, maybe there safe then? Getting only 1 egg from my 5 girls, yesterday was a surprise and we got 2. Spring come quickly. Even though we do need the snow, I hope it snows a lot all at once so there is enough water to save us from the fires.
When mine freeze they crack and the egg is leaking out. If not cracked they are fine.

My barn cats are loving the fact the eggs are freezing. The dogs just play with them and use them as bait to bring the cats in so they can chase them. My dog would raid a turkeys nest and steal 1 egg and put it in the middle of the yard and lay there and wait. When the cats would show up and he would chase them.
Crazy dog.
When mine freeze they crack and the egg is leaking out. If not cracked they are fine.

My barn cats are loving the fact the eggs are freezing. The dogs just play with them and use them as bait to bring the cats in so they can chase them. My dog would raid a turkeys nest and steal 1 egg and put it in the middle of the yard and lay there and wait. When the cats would show up and he would chase them.
Crazy dog.

Oh my gosh - that's hysterical! What kind of dog. Obviously a smart one.
I have lost several despite having 2 heat lamps in my coop. Mostly its when they use the nest baskets on the wall farthest from the lights. We had 44mph winds last night and I am guessing even with the heat lamp my waterers will be frozen. Grrrr and brrrr. And we still have no snow, we had a skiff the other day but that has been it all winter!
We got some snow last night. It was -22 when we got up this morning. Not going to bother with trying to milk my cow. Don't think I could get the milking machine going even with the magnetic block heater on it.
When I shut my birds up last night I had 1 turkey sitting right under one lamp and my guineas were sitting right above the other one that is just under the roos4ty next to the nesting box.

cackleberry he is a Corgi. I couldn't figure out where these turkey eggs kept coming from. Figured it out when I saw him coming into the yard with an egg in his mouth and he dropped it in the middle of the yard and went to lay in the shade.

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