
How's your hatch going? Our first batch of cross breed chicks is due to hatch the day after Valentines. I was surprised when I candled them at how few were developing; only 40 for sure out of 60 that I set. I really hope it is just that it's so early in the year yet...... Last year we had close to %100 hatches nearly every week, so I'm hoping that this first bunch is just a fluke.
Are you seeing good fertility?
Our guardian dogs are 3/4 Anatolian Shepherd and 1/4 GP. They took us some serious getting used to at first - a very different dog from any I've ever had before, but they are certainly good at guarding their critters! We absolutely adore them and I would not be able to manage my flock without them.

Man am I not liking this new site. I've been trying to post here for the last 3 days, and every time I get ready to submit, the page goes away and something else comes up.
My hatches look like they are going to be good, so far I've only tossed about 10 out of just over 100.But I'll have to see if they actually hatch, they went into lockdown today. I think I'm going to grow out most of the W/BW Ameraucanas, so if your are going to be looking for a cockrel later this spring I should have some. I also have EE's and want to grow out most of them also, I hope to get some nice light green egg layers, or maybe some olive eggers. Most of the Orps can go, I'll keep the blue and Lav. I'm holding my price at $3.00 per chick straight run. What ever doesn't sell now, I'll sell as started pullets in a couple of months after I decide what I want to keep.
I thought about doing a trailer house as a coop, 12x60 is great, you will have to post photos. I'm already thinking about another coop, maybe 12x20.
I think I would like the Anatolian Shepherd, but I have a hard time thinking about my dogs being outside all the time. Mine are lazy couch potatos. Altho, I had some kids(I think) try to break in to the house about 2 weeks ago, about midnight, I was in bed. They got the door open, but Lacey, my Belgian Terverun chased them off, bit one by the blood on the deck, and she brought me a ripped piece of jeans when she came back to the house after chaseing them away. I'm pretty proud of her.
Ok what does each person do to make it rain or snow?

I pull out my range and fridge and sweep and mop under them. I also clean out the fridge completely and wash it inside and out.
Pulled the range yesterday and got a quick splash and dash rain. thinking of doing the fridge but not yet. ;)
A great way to make it rain in the summer is to put some hay down. Sure to work. In the winter I start cleaning my freezer makes it snow every time.
Well Friday night I said I am done with winter and the gear so I am putting it all away, then at the same time planned a trip out of town. We finally got snow on Saturday! Luckily it wasn't enough to stop us from going to Polson, lol. But at least we got a little moisture, it has been terribly dry this winter here.
It's been trying to snow for the past several days but nothing much produces anything. We did get about an inch last week, but it's gone now. We have to go back out of town Friday, well my older kids do, I pray ot does not decide to kick up a fuss, it never fAils , plan a trip snow, plan a trip snow. Ugh
My chickens on the other hand are laying very well, usually 4 eggs every day, pretty good for 5 chickens, last week we did actually get 5 in a day lol. I look forward to spring when they ca run free. Amd I can finish my porch. They run under my porch when I let them out so they can dig, this is not good. I do not want poop under my back porch ! I just have to get some lattice .
Im looking forward to seeing green soon, all brown makes one depressed. I want to see flowers and grass, and my tree's in bloom!
Go figure, we've had a non-winter this year, compared to last year.
It went from severe cold and tons of snow, to warm and dry, lol! I just hope we get enought snow before spring to give enough moisture in the ground for run off so the farmers get a good start, and for the rivers and streams for the fisherman (since our town thrives on tourism from the fishing) this year.

What we do to make it rain or snow in winter is either wash one our vehicles (if it's warm enough ofcourse), or plan a trip to Bozeman, lol! In summer though, I think the car washing and laying out hay are definitly the top ones for us.
well we can get california to seed our clouds, but if you knew what they seeded and how often a day california seeds the clouds you would be floored. also we have them nice chem trails above us, we get barium every day raining down on us, :( in other news, i finally got that garage door I have been needing for ever, and the shelves i have been complaining I needed so badly and I even get a new garage door. thank Goodness !! soon the new revamped coop will be started, the new pen, and thinking the boys need a play house. been doing a lot of planning for summer planting in my tiny yard and redoing the yard and adding more tree's for cover. some sort of ever greens. I will have to look up if there bad for my girls , hope not I need some good greenry over the winter lol. looking on doing lots of yard work this summer to make my yard as pretty as it was before the chickens came along lol,

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