
We are hatching! So far one chick, looks to be born late last night or this morning ! Still a touch damp.4 more to go ! Wooohooooo. This is so exciting! The chic is yellow with black on it, can not wait to see what colors these birds come out to be. If a chick is born a color, does it mean it will be that color as adults?
Any idea what the parents are? They change so much as they feather in, about the only ones that stay the same color are the ones hatched black, and even they can change.
Any idea what the parents are? They change so much as they feather in, about the only ones that stay the same color are the ones hatched black, and even they can change.
. This was an egg from these breeds.... Rhode island rooster, rhode island hens' buff, white, barred .. Rocks. This morning we got a rhode island red. 3 eggs to go :) my mom is thrilled. These will be heading to her home when there big enough.
Oh my goodness that's cute! Way to go you guys!!!!! Uhm - is it just my computer screen, or are those little feathered legs? It isn't showing any of the normal chicks color or patterning for a RIR, so I don't think it could be out of your RIR hens. I see some similarity to the wheaten chick down color but not quite. Oh, it is so much fun to try and guess!
Oh my goodness that's cute! Way to go you guys!!!!! Uhm - is it just my computer screen, or are those little feathered legs? It isn't showing any of the normal chicks color or patterning for a RIR, so I don't think it could be out of your RIR hens. I see some similarity to the wheaten chick down color but not quite. Oh, it is so much fun to try and guess!
its a sweet color , can not wait to see what it turns out to be! I got the eggs from a real sweet family, this is the email I got when I asked what the eggs might be. Dear Karla, You have eggs from our Rhode Island Reds (with a Rhode Island Red rooster), from our Rhode Island Whites (with a Rhode Island White rooster) and a couple from our miscellaneous group (White Plymouth Rock, Barred Plymouth Rock, Buff Plymouth Rock, Jersey Black Giant with a White Plymouth Rock rooster). You probably had more Rhode Island Reds than anything, but it's anybody's guess what you'll get! Our neighbors got two black hens, two white, two reds and two buffs when they hatched our eggs. We got the cutest RIR this morning, can not wait to see what comes next! I'm leaving her alone, no eggs were pipping this morning yet and I do not want to disturb her. She is all about her business raising these lol. She is so sweet, she just looks at me lik.... Ey please let us be, I will bring them out when the time comes! Lol
I'm trying to get ready, but I'm sick with the flu right now, I must be better by Fri. morning. I'm bringing some Wheaten Ameraucana, Blue/Black Orps,and not sure what else yet, maybe some black sex links & EE's to sell.
I'm only working 1/2 a day on thurs, so should be able to get everything done that I need to and then leave Fri morning. It really sounds like its going to be fun.I'll let everyone know how it goes.
Whats everyone's weather doing? Its been snowing all day high of 40, 2 days ago it was 80? I put the heat lamp on in the coop for the babies I moved out Wed, low of 34 tonight. I shut all the windows in the coop, to keep any draft off the babies, but I had to leave the pop door open for the adults as they get really mad if they can't get out as soon as its light, and as sick as I am right now, I wasn't sure how early I'd be getting out there in the morning.
I'm trying to get ready, but I'm sick with the flu right now, I must be better by Fri. morning. I'm bringing some Wheaten Ameraucana, Blue/Black Orps,and not sure what else yet, maybe some black sex links & EE's to sell.
I'm only working 1/2 a day on thurs, so should be able to get everything done that I need to and then leave Fri morning. It really sounds like its going to be fun.I'll let everyone know how it goes.
Whats everyone's weather doing? Its been snowing all day high of 40, 2 days ago it was 80? I put the heat lamp on in the coop for the babies I moved out Wed, low of 34 tonight. I shut all the windows in the coop, to keep any draft off the babies, but I had to leave the pop door open for the adults as they get really mad if they can't get out as soon as its light, and as sick as I am right now, I wasn't sure how early I'd be getting out there in the morning.
I'm so sorry your sick , hoping you get better fast! It's cold here but no snow. Not a drop. No rain either in the last 2 days. Wish it was we need the rain.
I really am sorry to hear you're sick. It's a crappy time of the year to not be at full strength.
I so wish that the two shows were at different times - I'm disappointed not to be able to attend. What town is this one in again? I would like to contact the organizer at some point and plead with him to set it up next yea'sr on a different date from the double sanctioned Rocky Mountain Poultry Associations's show.
I can't wait to hear how it goes. If you stumble upon any true Araucana (rumples and tufted) breeding stock or breeders, I have to hear about it!!!

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