
Our coop is awesome now!! its big, and we added the mama and babies in the hutch to it. we are so glad to get her off the front porch lol. we will be painting it this week, ( I will post pictures ) and we hope the pen will be finished this week to. he has done a wonderful job!! we now have electricity and can add a heat bulb this winter is it gets down to cold, we can leave our girls in the coop if its to cold out, before there was not much floor space to roam around, I worried they would get bored and peck each other. now there is a haven of floor space ! windows are moved so there is a breeze for the girls this summer, and the nest box is now down y the floor in case we want to do new chicks next year. the girls took right to the new nest boxes and laid there eggs. it was funny, the girls did not want the contractor in there yard. they kept trying to fly them out of the coop and run lol. we also have a pop door that opens and closes all by its lonesome lol, yay!!!!! no more six oclock outings to get the chickens up and out, now they can get them selves up and or stay in bed like we plan to ! getting some buckets to make new waterer and feeder and filling them up, we can now after a year not have to open and close the pop door, or stay home on the weekends. we will go camping now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we have room for several more girls, so glad we put our order in early Megan ! our coop would now hold about 20 girls , so with your 3 we will have 8 girls. the coop will be very roomy for them . the babies will go to moms, in about a week, sending them and the mama there so they have room to roam in there own coop and run.
can you all tell me, will mama abandon them in 6/10 weeks or will she still love them and care for them? ( I know there going to be ready to be on the coop on there own in about 10 weeks im just worried that when my girl goes back to her own coop with the other girls they will not allow her back ( someone here told me this :(
Had the baby Australorps out for their first time today. They had a great game of worm keep away. We kept feeding them more an more worms until they wouldn't eat any more.
Took the video with my cell phone so the quality is pretty low but we had a blast playing with the chickies!
Ok this was just adorable!! I could not see this on my ipad, but decided to get on my lap top. love the worm chasing LOL
OK Karla - so that super pretty one is one of the 6 birds (out of 78) that I can not decide what gender it is. What do you think? Anyone else have an opinion? 11 week old cross breed. I was thinking boy because I thought I saw the tell tale shoulder coloration coming in, but then the wing tips began to color in the same as the shoulder, so now I just don't know.

Hi Ladys, I say boy, I see very pointie hackle feathers, and saddle feathers comming in, but what a pretty color.
I got back from Idaho Falls Chickenstock about 1am this morning. I would have been home about 2 hours earlier, but I forgot my my work keys, where I was boarding my dogs, so had to go all the way up to Roundup to get my keys, then back down to Billings to pick up my dogs, then finally home. Had a great trip, ran into some heavy snow in the pass through Yellowstone, but the roads never got bad. Not too many people had chickens there, just 2 others besides me. I sold everything I took up there in about 15 min., and I think I could have sold 3xs as many as I did. I had a lot of fun, and met lots of really nice people.
I got back from Idaho Falls Chickenstock about 1am this morning. I would have been home about 2 hours earlier, but I forgot my my work keys, where I was boarding my dogs, so had to go all the way up to Roundup to get my keys, then back down to Billings to pick up my dogs, then finally home. Had a great trip, ran into some heavy snow in the pass through Yellowstone, but the roads never got bad. Not too many people had chickens there, just 2 others besides me. I sold everything I took up there in about 15 min., and I think I could have sold 3xs as many as I did. I had a lot of fun, and met lots of really nice people.
i think its a boy to, it has saddle feathers and very big legs.
welcome back!! so glad you had a good time, and glad to hear you sold your birds .




There so adorable ! Hope there girls!
Thanks, they do love it, here is some pics of the babies on the roost with mama and of the chicks on mama lol

one on the roost

2 on the roost

one on the mama

two on the mama

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