moody chick


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 13, 2013
I have a four month old chicken and she keeps attacking me out of no where. Every time I turn my back to her she runs at me and pecks me on the back of the leg. Once time she even left a mark from this. She also clawed at me one before. I have picked her up a few times but she still continues to attack. A few of my other hens have pecked me before but they stopped as soon as I picked them up. This chick is a hybrid, I incubated and raised her myself but now the only time she will come near me to attack. All my other hens come up to me when I go outside and they eat out of my hand but this one chick wont come near me at all. Ive tried calling her when I have food but it doesn't work. What should I do?
Are you sure she's a she? They are at the age of hormonal changes and personalities do change.

Have not had that issue personally, but do know chickens can be trained. Consider offering her treats only when she doesn't peck you and maybe she'll get the idea. In the meantime, wear boots.
Well im not 100% sure shes a hen shes not crowing so I just guessed shes a female. Thanks for the reply:)
I agree with the comment "are you sure she's not a he" We had a rooster that was around the same age that would attack everybody, and chase my kids around the yard. Roosters are much more aggressive than hens, so you may want to listen out for that one making different noises than the rest of your birds.

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