More run questions

Oakville Shooter

In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 13, 2010
Appomattox, VA
I have decided that when I build the run, that instead of using 1X2 or 2X4 welded wire all the way to the ground and then cover that with 1/2" hardware cloth that I may be better off to put the hardware cloth on the bottom and then start the welded wire at the top (vertically) of the hardware cloth.

wl l
wl l
wl l
wl l
wl l
wl l
wl l
wl l
hwl l
hwl l
hwl l
hwl l

This shows welded wire (w) to the ground with hardware cloth (h) on top.

wl l
wl l
wl l
wl l
wl l
wl l
whl l
hl l
hl l
hl l
This shows the hardware cloth at the bottom with the welded wire at the top with an overlap.

Any thoughts on this? Would it be preferable to have both types of wire all the way to the ground, or will I generally be OK with just the hardware cloth at the bottom?

Also, I see lots of posts saying to dig a trench around the perimeter and bury the hardware cloth straight down. Others say to make an apron of hardware cloth on the ground perpendicular to the fence. What are the advantages or disadvantages to each method? If burying straight down, how deep do I need to go? When using the apron metod, do you run the hardware cloth on top of the ground, or cover it with dirt?

Thanks for your patience of helping out yet another newbie.
I think I know what you're saying
Yes, you can do only hardware cloth on the bottom and then larger 1x2 welded up top. If you're going to put roosts up high near the fencing, do that area in hardware as well.
You can bury or apron. If you apron out, do at least 2 feet, and it can also be the welded wire to save some moolah. Cover it with a bit of dirt or stomp it down well; you want to hide the edge. Some say burying is safer but it's also a LOT more work.
That is certainly reasonable as long as you are prepared to attach the hardwarecloth STRONGLY AND FIRMLY.

Also, I see lots of posts saying to dig a trench around the perimeter and bury the hardware cloth straight down. Others say to make an apron of hardware cloth on the ground perpendicular to the fence. What are the advantages or disadvantages to each method? If burying straight down, how deep do I need to go? When using the apron metod, do you run the hardware cloth on top of the ground, or cover it with dirt?

Pros of burying straight down: IMO there really aren't any
Cons: what a lot of work! also it is harder to check and replace (yes, buried galvanized wire *will* eventually rust and weaken).

Pros of an apron: fairly quick and easy. Cons: It does require a bit more total fencing than burial, since you need 2-4' width instead of just 18" or so buried. Other than that, though, I think most of the factors are pretty strongly in favor of an apron.

You can leave the apron on the surface of the ground (make sure to pin the edge of it down securely, so you don't catch your toes on it and so that animals don't notice the edge) or you can cover it with mulch or pavers or turf or dirt or whatever pleases you.

Good luck, have fun,


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