More than one Momma hen?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 21, 2012
So right now I have 3, yes 3, broody hens. One hens eggs are due to hatch within a few days. And the other two have recently started brooding but I keep taking their eggs out from under them. I was thinking about slipping one of the almost due under the both of them but I am worried if three mothers walking around would cause a lot of drama in the coop. Should I break them or give them a chick to snap them out of the mood?
Well they might fight over the chicks and try to protect them, how many chickens are in the coop? i'f there are a lot of other chickens then i would put all the eggs under one hen and when they hatch put the mother in a pen by herself i almost always do it, every time i do this i hardly ever lose a chick
Lol yeah, we have quite a few chickens about 17! I think I'll just let her hatch her chicks. And we do the exact same thing with the separation. Just never had 3 broody hens at once!
lol thanks:)
we had a hen and a duck that went broody in the same box BIG box, and they kept on stealing eggs from each other all the duckling and chicks died, never not seprated them since

But i have a black hen that should hatch out her chicks in about 1 1/2 weeks

Her last clutch is almost full grown, still in her pen

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