Most friendly or favorite breed?

My Pekins are my favourite and the most friendly breed I've had, or encountered.
My EE and my BO are the sweetest they will even let my 2 yr old son pick them up the BO roo I had was really agressive but once we got rid of him my BO hens just follow me around I even added in 3 4wk old chicks and they dont pick on them or anything they are my favorite breeds!
Love our BO hens! They are the sweetest. Although, my 3 1/2 year old loves our two Speckled Sussex girls...they are also very sweet! They are all only 10 weeks old...can't wait for them to start laying...I hear they get even more friendly after that!
We have 4 BR's and they are wonderfully tame and docile. I did plenty of research and found that the Barred Rocks, Cochin and Easter Eggers were preferred by a vast majority people as far as layers go. As for pets I would go with silkie's-hands down!
We had a barred rock that was amazingly friendly. Our silkies are attention-seekers, and the white one runs up to us in the yard and wants to be held! We also have two blue/wheaten ameraucana pullets that also think we are their roosts! One of my EEs is super-friendly and will come up to us and "chit-chat" with us, but she doesn't want to be held or picked up or anything, just wants to come hang out and say hi.
This is why I ended up with Rocks too! Although I will say my EEer Roo is a punk! My SLW are super sweet and my roo rocks! I have some new babies and I had ordered a Cochin but he didn't make it in shipping... :-(
My Dominique is my friendliest. Super sweet! She's my lap chicken.

Next is one of my EE's. She's my shoulder chicken.

My BO is nice, but a little skittish.

My Speckled Sussex is very skittish but still lets me handle her (or him... The jury is still out on that one).

My other EE is really skittish and would prefer that I come no closer that a few feet.
She also appears to be at the bottom of the pecking order.
I have found that sex matters more than breed. My boys are always the most friendly and social of the group. Figures, since I live in the suburbs and are forced to re-home the roos once they start crowing.

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