Mostly polish chicks, but what variety?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I ordered 10 straight run top hat special from Ideal, they arrived today!
They are just the cutest little things, but I have no idea what most of them are!

The breeds listed on Ideal's site are:
BCW Polish
Buff-laced polish
Gold-laced polish
Mottled houdan
Red-crested red polish
Silver-laced Polish
Standard sultan
WCB Polish
WCBL Polish
Black crevecour

The WCBL and Crevecours are listed as sold out, and were when I placed my order. None of the chicks have feathered legs, so that also rules out the sultans.

I apologize that these pictures are no where near good, I guess my batteries on my camera are on the low side again
Plus I have way too many chick brooders, and I wasn't able to reach good enough to catch the little boogers, so some are 'arial shots'

Chick #1:
I have 4 of these, though some of them are slightly different. This one has a few black spots on its head, and is a buff color. The others also are marked similarly, though one appears to have racing stripes on it's back. This one also appears to have some black coming in on its wing feathers.


Chick #2: The one in the corner I know is a WCB polish, and I think the little grey one next to it is a silver laced? I have 3 of these also.


Chick #3: I have no idea on this one! It is yellow, which would suggest sultan, but it doesn't have feathers on its feet that I noticed. I'll have to check it over better to see for sure. Could it be buff laced? I have 1 of these.

Chick #4: This one really has me puzzled. It doesn't have anywhere near the tophat that the polish do, plus it has the appearance of a mottled chicken. So is it a mottled houdan? It is also a lot bigger than the others, in the body. (you can see the white one also, which is also bigger than the others).


So that's it. If you need more/better pics, I can recruit my son to help me tomorrow. He is smaller than me, and his back is good, so he's better able to squeeze and twist into confined spaces to catch a goofy chick

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1- red crested red polish
2- silver laced polish
3- buff laced polish, sultan have 5 toes and feather legged
4- looks like a w/c cuckoo polish but if that is the only colors they carry i'd say it is a w/c black polish. houdans have 5 toes.

hope that helps.
Um, I think it might be the one in the next to last pic? But I'm not sure!
I'll have to get more pics tomorrow, I'm getting dizzy from being so tired!
yep that looks like a red also.

see if this helps ya i know some r a little older than urs but mabe it'll help.

w/c blacks

r/c red and w/c blue or black but i think blue

r/c red



these r golden and silver laced polish some r frizzled

w/c blue polish and the one with head under it is either a white polish or sultan both breeds r in the brooder pic is little but i think both r showing.
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Well, I did a toe count on chick #4, and it does have 5, so definitely a houdan. I didn't realize they were supposed to have extra toes, or I would have checked before I put it in the brooder

So mostly polish, and 1 houdan.

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