mother hen roosting on more than 8 eggs! dont know what to do! :hu


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 12, 2011
middle tennesee
i have 4 roosters that i let roam freely in my yard. i just recently figured out that one of my roosters is a girl! she went behind my barn through needles to a batch of old leaves where she is sitting on more than 8 eggs! i brought back some food and water for her but i still dont know what to do!! should i not mess with her? should i put a little fence or something around her? IM DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!! this hasnt happened before because usually my girls are locked up so i wont have to hunt for eggs! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
you definately want to do something to keep her and her eggs safe from possible preditors... but to be honest i'm not sure what the best action would be.
Is she exposed to the elements? Like, no roof of any type over her? If so, I would consider moving her entire nest to a better area. Like maybe some type of cage with food and water in the barn. Be prepared though, she may abandon her nest if you move it and her... good luck!
Either build a predator proof cage around her and supply food and water there or
Take her and the eggs into a building where you can make a nest box with space for her to stretch eat drink and defacate once or twice a day.
I just went through the same thing about 2 months ago. Not that I didn't know she was a hen. But, that she hid her nest on me. She inconvently laid her eggs under our house. I just had to cross my fingers and hope for the best. If you can get some kind of cage around her that a predator couldn't lift it I think she'll be o.k. I now have 4 cute Sebright/Dominique crosses. I moved them as soon as she came out with them.
thanks for the help. but do you think i could put her and her eggs in a box full of hay and put her in the garage? she would be more safe in there. i just dont want her walking away from her eggs. can anyone tell me if she would walk away or hurt me if i did that?
Meet me halfway, I'm in East Tennessee, I'll take some of them!
What a surprise to have possibly 20 unexpected babies on the way!
Mark the ones that she have been sitting and remove any that are added to later on. With that many eggs I don't think she'll be able to cover them all. Have you tried candling them yet? Maybe some of them haven't started developing yet so you can remove those.
Good Luck!

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