Motley Crew

You rooster and a lot of those girls look like either ameracauna or easter eggers. They have the beards and the grey/black or green legs.

Not the black hen with gray legs though.

Im not sure about the rest. What color are the eggs your hens are laying(of the ones that lay)
Only 2 are laying (the ones that look like they have white earphones, and they are small, white eggs. All the chickens are around 23 weeks old except the black ones that are a little younger.
The 6th picture, with the yellowish neck feathers, what do you think those are?

Amaraucana maybe. More common are Easter Eggers.
There is a thread somewhere that spells out the details in the difference.

The bearded one? That's an easter egger.

Ohhhh you so fast!! Beat me to it lol!
All of the bearded chickens with dark legs are easter eggers that will eventually lay blue/green eggs, The one(?) Chicken that has white earlobes and lays white eggs is a brown leghorn, your rooster is an Easter egger, The brown one with some black around it's neck and tail and yellow legs is a new hampshire, The second brown one without black on it is most likely a rhode island red, and your black one is either a Australorp or a jersey Giant, To tell the difference between the two you would look at the skin under their feet, Yellow skin would mean you have a jersey giant, and pink/white skin would mean you have an australorp. Hope this clears things up?
1. Easter Eggers
Your rooster, and all the hens that have the poofs under their chins and eyes.
2. New Hampshire Red
Your red hens that have clean faces
3. Black Austrolorp or Black Jersey Giant
Your black birds with clean faces.
4. Brown Leghorn
Your brown birds with orange striping on the neck. Also they have white earlobes, and big floppy combs.
You guys are amazing! I’m shocked at the variety that we have because they looked so much alike when they were babies! I didn’t think we were going to get a rooster in the bunch and now we’ve gotten kind of attached to him. Should I give him away or keep him? So far he’s been pretty good natured of course we have four kids who are constantly holding him and feeding him and just generally around the chickens.

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