Mouse eaters?


9 Years
Jan 29, 2010
I've recently discovered that my chickens are great mousers. Does anyone know of any adverse affects that this may have on the chickens?
What kind of chicken to do you have? I have heard Buckeye chickens are great mice eaters.
The only adverse thing I can think of is, they will need a substitute for the lack of exercise they got chasing the ,now extinct, mice......
Our barred rock caught a mouse and the whole flock chased her with it dangling out of her mouth. By the time I got the camera the mouse was gone. Wonder where it went?!?
I watched a chipmunk tear across my yard this afternoon, with half my flock right on its heels! If the rodent hadn't squeezed into a chink between two logs in the woodpile, it would have been an afternoon snack! As it was, the hens stayed right by that place for almost an hour, pecking at the chink and scratching all around the logs.
It's starting to get cold now, and the mice are coming back inside.

When we catch one in a trap, it goes to the chickens.
Kinda funny watching them fight over a mouse.

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