Moved coop - How do I get my chickens to go to it at night?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 13, 2014
Edmond, OK
We have a coop that we bought last winter at Sam's club and put next to our home on 2.5 acres - our chickens free range during the day. Recently the wife and I decided we'd prefer the coop to be a bit further from the house - too many flies in the heat of the summer and we want grass in that area.

We moved the coop just inside the tree line about 30 yards from its original location. We picked a shady spot near where they tend to hang out during hot days anyway.

As for our flock - we have 8 birds, but I only know the breed of 4 of them; 2 Turkens, 2 white Silkies. Then we have two other hens and two young turkeys. I guess I should post some pics and have people tell me what they are!

The two Turkens and one hen were really good about going into the coop at night. However, since we've moved the coop they now only go into the coop to lay eggs but don't return at night.

Instead the 3 now join the others in some tall grass next to the house at dusk.

For over a week now we've been waiting until dark and moving them by hand into the coop - all 8. And then let them all out around 6:30am.

Any ideas on how to get the three back into their habit of going to the coop at night (now moved to a new location)?

I'd also like any tips on getting the Silkies to go into the coop at night (they've always refused to go into the coop but often nest by it in its old location).

I assume the turkeys will probably never go to the coop on their own and there is one hen that insists on staying with them 24/7 - so where they nest is where she nests.
You can keep doing what you are doing. Eventually they should get the hang of it. Or if it is big enough, leave them locked in the coop for a few days. They'll probably get used to it as home and start going to bed there but that might cause problems with where they lay eggs if the ones outside can't get in there to lay eggs.

How big is the coop? If the Silkies are getting picked on while in there they may not want to go inside. Also, since Silkies can't fly, they might not want to roost or at best need roosts pretty low to the ground. Maybe you could put in some really low roosts for them and set them on those roosts at night to try to get them used to using them.
Thanks for the reply. I tried locking them in for a day or so the other day, but within about 30 minutes one of the Turkens started bullying the other Turken and hen and stressing them out.

I may try again. These three are the only ones laying regularly right now and the Silkies have never layer eggs in the coop - always in some brush of their choosing.

That leaves the two young turkeys and the hen that follows them everywhere. She isn't old enough to lay (or so I was told when I bought her a couple of weeks ago).

I have a nesting box in the bottom of the coop for the Silkies. When I lock them in the coop they go to the nesting box. But they won't roost there on their own.
I leave mine locked up in the coop for 2 to 4 weeks depending if they go back. Last year mine would roost on the front porch so I would take them to the coop every night. They never got the hang of it. They only go where they feel safe. They have to know that coop is a safe spot. I did not want to lock mine up for weeks but really its better than having your chickens run off or get killed by something.

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