Moving and need info


8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
Hello, I am moving from the CA gold country (due to siblings wanting to sell the family farm) to the CA suburbs. I don't exactly know how to cope with the change from 17 glorious acres to just a 1/3 of an acre, but I am hoping someone will give advice. Also, I need to know or how to find out if Carmichael, CA allows for chickens which would be helpful in my transition. I will have to find a new owner for three ewes, though. I found this site by just googling. This is my FIRST move ever.

Thank you for your help,

Welcome From Mid Michigan. I'd call your local zoning commissioner out there, that is where your new house is. He will be able to tell you what is allowed and what's not. Put a post on here for your ewes. Someone may take them or know of someone that will.
Try this blog on California chicken-keeping laws:

of luck on your relocation!



There are classifieds on here for the EWEs as well as craigslist? Each county is so different on their chicken laws. I would google the city and county livestock ordinances but each place has them catigorized a little different.

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