Moving mom and chicks


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 16, 2009
Larroque-St-Sernin, France
One hen nested on top of a large trailer in our hanger and has now hatched out 10 adorable little chicks. They are 2 days old now but we have questions
1. How long will it be before she will want to leave the nest she made and go to the coop
2. We have thought to move her and the chicks to the pen under a shetler there but will it disturb them too much if we pick her up and transport the chicks in a box to the new location? Will she want to return to the trailer?
3. If we do not move her and them how will the chicks get down off the trailer? Cement floor below.

Well...never mind. We lined the sheltered area with cardboard on top of straw, put down a bed of hemp, picked her up off the trailer and gathered the chicks (10 in total) into a box and walked them over. She seemed a bit upset and did some furious feather preening with some disgruntled clucking but soon settled down and the chciks are now back nessled under her so all is well.

Glad we did it as it is a more secure area, separated from the rest of the flock and in the enclosure where the chicks will be spending their nights anyway so they are "home".

Phew....never a dull moment.....does one ever get used to these little traumas? Constantly learning.

Ken and Angela
You did the right thing!

I know what you mean about "never a dull moment." We had a pasty butt scare with one of ours last week and I don't think I've stopped shaking yet. Never thought I would be wiping a chick's butt!

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