MPC Double Laced Barnevelder Roo?


May 12, 2018
South Carolina
-6 week old from My Pet Chicken, purchased as female

-Suspicions: I don’t have experience with this breed and only got one but I don’t see the double lacing I expected. He/she also has chunkier legs than all other 10 chicks we got and is also the only one with
red at the base of his/her comb.

-we have no roosters, have a dog who is not chicken friendly so all our current chickens are in completely covered runs

-we live in city limits and while roosters aren’t prohibited, the ordinance states that your animals can’t disrupt/disturb neighbors
Yes, a gorgeous cockerel.
If he is supposed to be a double laced Barnevelder, he is not very good quality.
Are you going to rehome him or get rid of him?
He is supposed to be. He came from My Pet Chicken. I doubt we will get away with keeping him in city limits… especially since a retired judge just moved in behind us. 😬😬😬
He hasn’t crowed yet but I know it’s coming.
We will rehome him if we get a complaint. 😭

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