-6 week old from My Pet Chicken, purchased as female
-Suspicions: I don’t have experience with this breed and only got one but I don’t see the double lacing I expected. He/she also has chunkier legs than all other 10 chicks we got and is also the only one with
red at the base of his/her comb.
-we have no roosters, have a dog who is not chicken friendly so all our current chickens are in completely covered runs
-we live in city limits and while roosters aren’t prohibited, the ordinance states that your animals can’t disrupt/disturb neighbors
-Suspicions: I don’t have experience with this breed and only got one but I don’t see the double lacing I expected. He/she also has chunkier legs than all other 10 chicks we got and is also the only one with
-we have no roosters, have a dog who is not chicken friendly so all our current chickens are in completely covered runs
-we live in city limits and while roosters aren’t prohibited, the ordinance states that your animals can’t disrupt/disturb neighbors