Mrs. Peckers and length tetracycline question?

She is more congested than doing the heavy breathing thing that she had been doing - so it probably kind of settled into her "chest," like human viruses do. Her appetite is down ever since giving the Tylan 50 but she is still eating and drinking just not as much - I think the antibiotics make her feel like not eating. She laid another egg yesterday. Whatever Zulu was doing she quit having symptoms. Nobody else shows symptoms yet. Just keepin' on keepin' on.
Tetracycline (Duramycin 10) should be mixed at the maximum level at 1tablespoonful per gallon of water for 7 to 14 days. An easier thing to do would be to use Tylan 50 injectable, and give it orally to each ill chicken. Dosage is 1 ml by mouth for 5 days. It is more effective and quicker acting to give it as an injectable for 3 days, but if you can't do injections, it would still help. The problem with using antibiotics in the water is that sick chickens do not drink well, especially in cold weather.

I have a question. Mrs. Peckers took her last injection of Tylan 50 tonight. She seems to be all better and I let her out in the front yard (it was 60 degrees today) to forage around and she went nuts in the garden finding little rocks and bugs. My question is this: Since her last egg was not as strong and lighter in color than what she usually lays, as she has also been going nuts eating the grit with calcium in it, will she go back to laying her old strong shelled eggs again??
I have a question. Mrs. Peckers took her last injection of Tylan 50 tonight. She seems to be all better and I let her out in the front yard (it was 60 degrees today) to forage around and she went nuts in the garden finding little rocks and bugs. My question is this: Since her last egg was not as strong and lighter in color than what she usually lays, as she has also been going nuts eating the grit with calcium in it, will she go back to laying her old strong shelled eggs again??

yes, she will. some of my pullets layed a few totally soft shelled eggs due to the antibiotics and they now lay normal eggs. I give them grit and marble powder.
Mis -use of antibiotic can disbalanse the microflora of the chicken and cause a proliferation of Candida albicans , a fungi that can cause problems in the chicken crop( the fungi and bacteria are in a competition in the chicken and microbes keeps the fungi in bay, the use of antibiotics kill the bacteria bout don't kill the fungi which is an eucariotic cell. In this situation the fungi can grow un controlled!) so if you use antibiotics you must use also probiotic or anti fungi treatment simultaneously! I advice you worming your floc first of all and than see if the situation is improving , than give here vitamins( deficiency in some vitamins can also cause pseudo respiratory illnesses) and than and only than i would use antibiotics combined whit probiotics and anti fungi treatment!
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Mis -use of antibiotic can disbalanse the microflora of the chicken and cause a proliferation of Candida albicans , a fungi that can cause problems in the chicken crop( the fungi and bacteria are in a competition in the chicken and microbes keeps the fungi in bay, the use of antibiotics kill the bacteria bout don't kill the fungi which is an eucariotic cell. In this situation the fungi can grow un controlled!) so if you use antibiotics you must use also probiotic or anti fungi treatment simultaneously! I advice you worming your floc first of all and than see if the situation is improving , than give here vitamins( deficiency in some vitamins can also cause pseudo respiratory illnesses) and than and only than i would use antibiotics combined whit probiotics and anti fungi treatment!

I have been giving her probiotics in her water as well as vitamins. She had her last round on injectable Tylan50 last night. I am not sure if the Tylan helped or if she just recovered from a virus on her own but she's doing better now other than her egg was not as strong as usual. I'm glad to hear she can recover from that.

What would you recommend for use as a worming treatment? And if they don't have worms is there a problem treating them anyway?

What causes worms? Is it something they are born with or catch.
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Mis -use of antibiotic can disbalanse the microflora of the chicken and cause a proliferation of Candida albicans , a fungi that can cause problems in the chicken crop( the fungi and bacteria are in a competition in the chicken and microbes keeps the fungi in bay, the use of antibiotics kill the bacteria bout don't kill the fungi which is an eucariotic cell. In this situation the fungi can grow un controlled!) so if you use antibiotics you must use also probiotic or anti fungi treatment simultaneously! I advice you worming your floc first of all and than see if the situation is improving , than give here vitamins( deficiency in some vitamins can also cause pseudo respiratory illnesses) and than and only than i would use antibiotics combined whit probiotics and anti fungi treatment!

do acv and garlic help with candida albicans, as they do in people?
Worm is something that chickens catch from the area thy live in. thy can catch worms from eating a Beatle or a snail, they can catch worms from wild birds dropping or from infected chicken dropping. So worms are one of the most common pathogen which cause diseas in chicken. I recommend you do do some research an improve your floc bio security!
There are som ways to treat worms there are some veterinarian drugs I am not from the USE so I cant recommend you any specific brand! But I can recommend you some natural ways to treat and reduce the worm load from your chickens.
1. You must use organic Appel cider vinegar on a daily basis in the water you give to your chickens. 2 table spoon in one gallon is sufficient.
2. You add some hot chilly pepper flakes in the feed you give the chicken on a daily basis
3. The pumpkin plant family ,Cucurbitaceae, contain in the fruit flash and especially in the row seeds substance called cucurbetin which paralyze intestinal worm. So if you crush in a food processor 300 grams of pumpkin +100-200 grams of row pumpkin seeds+2-4 garlic cloves+ some water to make it loo like porridge and you put on shredded vegetables for 1 week every 3-4 months. You will have the most healthiest chicken floc ever!
Good luck!
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Acv and garlic are good prevention but nut so good as a cure. To cure Candida albicans[ outbreak you must use copper sulfate powder, 0.5 gram for one liter of drinking water, for 5 days
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Acv and garlic are good prevention but nut so good as a cure. To cure Candida albicans[ outbreak you must use copper sulfate powder, 0.5 gram for one liter of drinking water, for 5 days

thank you.

it seems it is not candida. there is less mucus today and it is not kind of dropping in water as it was before. but I will keep the note about copper sulfate, just in case.

my cockerel is too tired but still keeps putting his head in water to clean his nostrils. I hope he will get well. he is such a fighter, he deserves to live. my pullets got better, started to eat and drink and kind play with each other. all still alive, may god help they stay alive!

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