Mrs Twigg is worrying me!


Cooped up
11 Years
Mar 2, 2008
Today I found a nearly new Hovabator 1602 plus Auto turner which I haggled down to $45.

Feeling decently pleased I went to to find Mrs Twigg watching the 2 1/2 week old chicks.

She regarded me with a kinda wierd *misty-eyed* look for a moment and then said that ideally thes would be 8 males and 2 females, then we would have to incubate again

Huh????? I can see why. I think. . . . That's a little out there. My DH Worries me sometimes. . . Our roof in the old carport leaks like a sieve--- not buckets-- BIG bins & trash cans full. The other day it rained all day. HE FORGOT the roof leaked, walked through the door in the dark and fell in!!!! HOW could he forget??? It's been leaking 3 yrs plus since the hurricanes!!! ~:eek:
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Actually, what he's saying is that he's afraid he's created a monster

The kids and I just had so much fun watching the chicks hatch, it seems a shame to let a perfectly good incubator go 'untested', doesn't it??

You can never have to many chickens. Hatching is the perfect way to get more! it is spring and time for chicks!

Enjoy the bator.

Now, what kind of eggs are you going to set and when?
Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Twigg. I agree it's time for chicks - buying chicks, hatching chicks, incubating chicks. I already had 13 grown chickens but hatched a dozen more Valentines Day. That was so much fun I ordered 8 duck eggs and 14 more chicken eggs and put those in bator - still waiting on hatch. Then feed store gets in baby chicks so I buy 12 and go back next day and buy 6 more. Next week they get more breeds of chicks and ducks and bunnies in - QUICK - how many chickens do I have?
As Mrs Twigg pointed out about 10 minutes ago .....

Steve, YOU are the one researching Turkeys!
51 --- IF I added right-- AND ALL THE EGGS HATCH!! . . . You didn't trick me by throwing in the 8 sorry-- meant duck eggs. . .Said turkey eggs the first time .
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