mulch for the floor of my chicken run?

Sand is my favorite also, and since you put hardware cloth down you might be carefull because chickens will scratch down 4 inches with ease. You might try to pack dirt on top of the cloth then put down whatever material you go with on top of that.
Do you put straw or shavings on top of the sand or use sand alone? I'm finishing up my first coop/run now which will have plywood flooring in both the coop and the run and I'm trying to decide what material to put down in the run.
guess you could call a dumptruck service place and get a load ... chickens are nasty if confined .. if i had to keep mine in a run i'd make some kind of deck or just pour a thin slab i could hose off .. they could have some kind of bin of dirt at one end to play in but thats it lol .. i wouldnt mess around with a filthy run ...

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