Mule ducks?


Dec 30, 2019
Polk City, FL
My Coop
My Coop
I currently have the following breeds~ Pekin, crested Pekin, Muscovy and kahki Campbell. Which of these would produce sterile hybrids if I breed them? Just the Muscovy X Pekin or are there others in my flock that could produce sterile ducklings? I just had some ducklings hatch from my crested Pekin duck and I believe they are from my Muscovy male. Does this mean they're sterilized and can't breed?


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Muscovy crossed to anything but a Muscovy will be sterile

Mule Ducks or Moulards​

Muscovy and domestic ducks (such as the Pekin - which were developed from Mallards) are very different as they have been genetically isolated for over 50 million years. They can be crossed but you get some very interesting results. If you cross a Muscovy male with a Pekin female you will hatch moulards (or mule ducks); if you cross a Pekin male with a Muscovy female the progeny are called hinnies.

In Europe and in Asia many mule ducks are produced because of their large size, quality liver and reduced fat content in the carcass. Artificial insemination has been developed in ducks due to the desire to produce mule ducks. If left to mate naturally, the fertility is only 20-30%. Artificial insemination brings the fertility up to 80%. Whereas a Pekin takes 28 days to hatch and a Muscovy takes 35 days, a mule or hinny takes 32 days to hatch.

Approximately 60% of mule ducks are males. Some of their characteristics are like the Muscovy as they are large, quiet, slow moving and have long claws but are also like Pekin as they swim well, the males and females are much the same size and they do not fly.

Hinnies are not grown commercially. Males hinnies are much larger than female hinnies, like the muscovy, yet the females look like Pekins but fly quite well.

Mules and hinnies cannot reproduce. Both males are sterile and only the hinny females lay eggs (though they cannot hatch). If you have Muscovy and Pekin together, the chances are poor that they will cross but if they do, a hinny will probably be the result as Pekin males can catch Muscovy females easier than Muscovy males can catch Pekin females.

We do not produce mules or hinnies but thought you might enjoy this material on this interesting aspect of duck production and genetics.
Hi, I am curious if people keep moulard "hinnies" for egg production? I was under the impression (i could be totally wrong) that the moulard ducks were only appropriate to be raised for meat... because they are like the hybrid meat chickens.... that grow so fast that their bodies aren't really good for living adult lives (having leg and lung issues?) Its kindof a long story how i end up with moulard ducklings.... I have two this summer. I woud love to find out that the female hinnies are okay to live as adults and if they lay a reasonable number of eggs!
I have Mules I believe from my Muscovy Drake and Rouen Hen. They had the coloring on the bodies of the Drake which is beautiful, the heads of the Rouen Ducks at this point. I hated to read that such a large percentage turn out to be males. My one that I thought was a male for sure can quack quite well and the other two make a pretty little sound, no peeps any longer. Time will tell for sure. Good luck in figuring yours out. I am keeping mine as pets and hopefully will get some eggs if they are females. I do not need any ducklings.
I have Mules I believe from my Muscovy Drake and Rouen Hen. They had the coloring on the bodies of the Drake which is beautiful, the heads of the Rouen Ducks at this point. I hated to read that such a large percentage turn out to be males. My one that I thought was a male for sure can quack quite well and the other two make a pretty little sound, no peeps any longer. Time will tell for sure. Good luck in figuring yours out. I am keeping mine as pets and hopefully will get some eggs if they are females. I do not need any ducklings.
I ended up with one male out of my Mules so far for sure. It started chasing down the females in the pen and also hissing at me so it got rehomed and traded for a little Call Duck drake that will not hurt my hens like this big fella would have. It was simply beautiful and I hated to part with it but had no choice since I already had two more drakes that I wanted to keep.

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