Multiple eggs?


Feb 14, 2017
San Diego
Need to pick a few brains...

I have 3 hens: black sex link, BO, and a little Banty. Each one lays different looking eggs so it’s very easy to know which lady left me a gift.

When the were just starting to lay, my BO would regularly produce double yolkers. As she matured there were days she’d lay one in morning and one in the evening.

About one week ago I collected and found 7 eggs (BO color) in the hen house. I’m assuming two were from the day before and five were from that day. The following morning there were five more eggs plus a rubber egg on the ground.

The BO then went off lay for two days. One the third day of no laying she began acting sick and was put down the fourth day with EYP.
Your not the First person to have the issue ...Others will argue though that Chickens can only produce one egg a day..She had an over reactive reproductive system that failed..It happens although not common...
Best wishes...:frow
My mother-in-law kept claiming that with her three chickens she would come out to find 4 to 5 eggs every day. Usually 4. I always thought she was over exaggerating or not checking for eggs often enough because I've always heard it's not possible. But I am hearing more and more stories now that maybe it is possible. I know it was for her because we how sad for her for a few days once and I too found 4 eggs in the morning from her three hens
Your not the First person to have the issue ...Others will argue though that Chickens can only produce one egg a day..She had an over reactive reproductive system that failed..It happens although not common...
Best wishes...:frow
Thanks. The guy at the feed store seems to think I’m Pinocchio’s sister. But unless the Easter Bunny is sneaking into my coop that hen was laying multiple eggs.
A somewhat related thought...I started with 6 chicks from Tractor Supply. In less than a year I’ve lost four from a variety of ailments including one dropping dead in the middle of the day (less than 4 months old).

I’ve read mixed reviews on where to get chicks (private breeder vs hatchery). Any thoughts?

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