Murray Mcmurray Chef's Choice Broiler


Nov 2, 2015
Androscoggin County, Maine
Does anyone have backyard/small flock experience raising these for their own use? I have seen another thread here on the topic, but it wasn't overly complimentary:

That however, was focused on the production level. I actually like a little flexibility on when processing day comes, as I may have to get them done at a local processor due to limited time. I'm also more interested in the meat flavor/quality for a homestead than I am purely in conversion rates.

Here's the Hatchery's link:

They're a little more pricey than a lot of alternatives, so I figured best to get feedback before committing.
I don't have experience with the chef's choice broiler from McMurray but did get 50 of the Jumbo Cornish Cross. My experience was middle of the road. I got a second batch of 75 Jumbo Cornish Cross from a local hatchery and in comparison, the local hatchery chicks did much better than the McMurray ones. I processed McMurray hens at 8 weeks and they were 6-8lb each. My local hatchery chicks were 4-5lbs at 9 weeks. Health wise, in my opinion, the local hatchery chicks were much healthier as well! Hope this helps!

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