Muscovy broody duck help


5 Years
Aug 16, 2014
My muscovy duck ryan who is a girl has been sitting on around 23 eggs for i think around 5-6 days and i was wondering should i take those eggs from her since they arent fertile as we didnt have a drake till yesterday. I just dont want her to go sad once she realizes that they arent fertile.... should i? i want to but idk
My muscovy duck ryan who is a girl has been sitting on around 23 eggs for i think around 5-6 days and i was wondering should i take those eggs from her since they arent fertile as we didnt have a drake till yesterday. I just dont want her to go sad once she realizes that they arent fertile.... should i? i want to but idk
I just took 2 Muscovy ducks off of nests of course they are upset but this time of year I want them to get on with molt so by the time cold weather gets here they are ready, and sitting on non fertile eggs isn't going to do anything at all except drain them of their reserves since they aren't eating properly. I'd take her eggs destroy the nest I stir up the nest and put down new bedding They mope around for a few days then snap out of it.
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i just grabbed them and ouch she hurt my hand
Oh yes they can pinch pretty hard. lol She may stay persistent so be ready.
Mine were out all day today and would come to the door often hoping I'd let them back in I didn't. lol tonight they are in so i know tomorrow I'll have to toss them out again and keep them out. till tomorrow night.

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