Muscovy Broody Question

Our muscovy will lay 20-30 eggs before she starts sitting on them, she will not go "broody" until the last couple days of laying and then once she sits will only leave about once a day for food and a bath, if we put the food & water in her hut she wont leave at all. They are great mama's.
Our muscovy will lay 20-30 eggs before she starts sitting on them, she will not go "broody" until the last couple days of laying and then once she sits will only leave about once a day for food and a bath, if we put the food & water in her hut she wont leave at all. They are great mama's.

My muscovy is nesting all day besides eating. She is 7 months old, no drake only a rooster and has been laying daily since Jan 26th. She is now sitting in a nest thinking babies will come, in getting chicken eggs should I let her sit on them and mother them?

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