Muscovy duck hen laying problem


6 Years
Nov 24, 2013
Hi every one).... I leave in the sounth pole we are breeding muscovy ducks,chickens,guineas out of 8 ducklings only one surve ( who were hatched by a hen)..someone may have to tell me that is this normal for a duck to lay eggs and stop? I know that ducks may lay eggs then stop. But this female never went broody. SHe only lay few eggs then stop. It does this with every breeding season in its cycle....
Can anyone tell me what's the problem with this muscovy hen
any advise would be appreciated thanx....
They do not all seem to have a strong broody instinct. I keep runners, not muscovies. But some thoughts I have are - provide a nice little corner or nook where she will feel secure, put some decoy eggs to attract her to the nest.

Muscovies have a reputation for being good broodies. Is there something in her environment discouraging her? Too many males? Aggressive males? Other animals? Noises? Predators? Sitting ducks are at extreme risk of being killed by predators.
Hi amiga ( sorry for taking so long )....thanx for your reply, we only have one drake, that she seem to pair with, any other factor that may ifluence her egg laying can nothing else, because we have no predators for our bigger fowls, my two old girl is still young, but love playing with her by throwing food to her. The only noise we only have is from guineafowls, nothing else
anyway thanks for your reply

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